Running: python
Profiling: python -m cProfile -s tottime
Fast execution: pypy
import sys
input = lambda: sys.stdin.readline()[:-1] # fast cin
with open("") as f:
N = int(f.readline())
N, M = map(int, f.readline().split())
l = list(map(int, f.readline().split()))
m = [list(map(int, line.split())) for line in f]
with open("test.out", "w") as f:
f.write(str(ans) + "\n")
Verification: SPOJ INTEST, SPOJ INOUTEST, testing with timeit
import sys
input = sys.stdin.readline # fast cin
__lines, __print = [], print
print = lambda s: __lines.append(s) # fast cout
cout = lambda: __print("\n".join(map(str, __lines)))
import sys
input = sys.stdin.readline # fast cin
N = int(input())
l = list(map(int, input().split()))
graph = {i: [] for i in range(N)}
for i in range(N):
a, b = map(lambda x: int(x) - 1, f.readline().split())
graph = {i: {} for i in range(N)}
for i in range(N):
a, b, w = map(int, f.readline().split())
a -= 1
b -= 1
# will overwrite if same edge is repeated - pick min edge (usually)
if b not in graph[a] or w < graph[a][b]:
graph[a][b] = w
if a not in graph[b] or w < graph[b][a]:
graph[b][a] = w
Euclidean algorithm - Verification - Complexity:
def gcd(a: int, b: int) -> int:
while b != 0:
a, b = b, a % b
return a
def lcm(a: int, b: int) -> int: return (a//gcd(a, b))*b
def prime(n: int) -> bool:
""" Checks whether a number is prime or not with trial divison. """
if n == 1 or (n % 2 == 0 and n != 2):
return False
for i in range(3, int(n**0.5) + 1, 2):
if n % i == 0:
return False
return True
Sieve of Eratosthenes - Verification - Complexity:
def sieve(n: int) -> list:
""" Generates a look up table of primality up to n. """
l = [True]*(n + 1)
l[0] = l[1] = False
for i in range(2, int(n**0.5) + 1):
if l[i]:
for j in range(i*i, len(l), i):
l[j] = False
return l
def primes(n: int) -> list:
""" Return a list of all primes less than or equal to n. """
s = sieve(n)
return [i for i in range(n + 1) if s[i]]
# common
m = 1000000007
(a + b) % m == ((a % m) + (b % m)) % m
(a - b) % m == ((a % m) - (b % m)) % m
(a * b) % m == ((a % m) * (b % m)) % m
tl;dr spam modulo if the problem asks you to return the answer mod
If asking for count (which is often) must be
x if x >= 0 else x + m
Modular exponentiation - Verification - Complexity:
def mod_exp(b: int, e: int, m: int) -> int:
""" Returns b^e % m """
if m == 1: return 0
rtn = 1
b %= m
while e > 0:
# bit on in the binary representation of the exponent
if e & 1 == 1:
rtn = (rtn*b) % m
e >>= 1
b = (b*b) % m
return rtn
Extended Euclidean algorithm - Verification - Complexity:
def extended_gcd(a: int, b: int) -> tuple:
""" Returns (gcd(a, b), x, y) such that ax + by = gcd(a, b). """
x, xp = 0, 1
y, yp = 1, 0
r, rp = b, a
while r != 0:
q = rp//r
rp, r = r, rp - q*r
xp, x = x, xp - q*x
yp, y = y, yp - q*y
return rp, xp, yp
Modular multiplicative inverse - Verification - Complexity: same as the Euclidean algorithm
def inv(x: int, m: int) -> int:
""" Returns the inverse y such that xy mod m = 1. """
return extended_gcd(x, m)[1] % m
(a/b) % m == (a*inv(b, m)) % m
def factor(n: int) -> list:
""" Factors a number with trial division. """
l = {1, n}
for i in range(2, int(n**0.5) + 1):
if n % i == 0:
return list(l)
Prime Factorization - Verification - Complexity:
def prime_factor(n: int, primes: list) -> list:
""" Prime factorizes a number, given a precomputed list of primes. """
l = set()
rt = int(n**0.5) + 1
for p in primes:
if p > rt:
while n % p == 0:
n = n//p
if n != 1:
return list(l)
Most Significant Bit - Verification - Complexity: Can be done in with some work
def msb(n: int) -> int:
""" Returns the index of the most significant bit of n. """
return n.bit_length() - 1
Brian Kernighan's set bit count - Verification: Othello - Complexity:
def set_pos(x: int) -> list:
""" Finds the number of 1's in a number. """
l = []
while x:
xp = x & (x - 1)
l.append((x - xp).bit_length() - 1)
x = xp
return l
Binary Counter - Verification - Complexity: amortized over operations
def increment(c: int, m: int) -> int:
""" Increments a binary counter. """
i = 1
l = 1 << m
while i < l and c & i > 0:
c ^= i
i <<= 1
if i < l:
c ^= i
return c
Miscellaneous operations
def dotp(u: list, v: list) -> float:
""" Dot product. """
return sum(u[i]*v[i] for i in range(len(u)))
def col(m: list, i: int) -> list:
""" Column of a matrix. """
return [m[j][i] for j in range(len(m))]
def mat_mult(a: list, b: list) -> list:
""" Matrix multiplication. """
return [[dotp(a[i], col(b, j)) for j in range(len(b[0]))]
for i in range(len(a))]
def identity(n: int) -> list:
""" Identity matrix of size n x n. """
return [[int(i == j) for j in range(n)] for i in range(n)]
def print_mat(m: list) -> list:
""" Pretty prints a matrix. """
for row in m:
def mat_exp(A: list, k: int) -> list:
""" Returns A^k. """
v = identity(len(A))
while k > 0:
if k & 1 == 1:
v = mat_mult(v, A)
k >>= 1
A = mat_mult(A, A)
return v
Gauss–Jordan elimination - Verification: Google Foobar - Complexity:
def inv(m):
""" Inverts a matrix. """
N = len(m)
# augment matrix with identity
for i in range(N):
m[i] += [F(i == j) for j in range(N)]
for c in range(N):
# get first nonzero entry
pivot = [i for i in range(c, N) if m[i][c] != F(0)][0]
m[c], m[pivot] = m[pivot], m[c]
v = m[c][c]
# set pivot value to 1
for i in range(len(m[c])):
m[c][i] /= v
# make all zeros
for r in range(N):
if r != c:
v = m[r][c]
for i in range(len(m[r])):
m[r][i] -= v*m[c][i]
return [row[N:] for row in m]
Simplex Algorithm - Verification - Complexity: (see smoothed analysis)
def list_dict(l: list) -> dict:
""" Converts a list into a dictionary based off indexes. """
return {i + 1: l[i] for i in range(len(l))}
def prog_dict(A, b, c, contypes, t, nonneg) -> tuple:
Converts the easier list representation to a more general
dictionary representation used by the simplex algorithm.
return (
{v + 1: {i + 1: A[v][i] for i in range(len(A[v]))}
for v in range(len(A))
list_dict(b), list_dict(c), list_dict(contypes),
t, {x + 1 for x in nonneg}
def negated(d: dict) -> dict:
""" Negates a row. """
return {k: -v for k, v in d.items()}
def negate(l: list) -> list:
""" Negates a row vector. """
return [-x for x in l]
def general_standard(A, b, c, contypes, t, nonneg) -> tuple:
""" Converts a general linear program into standard form. """
# 1. The objective function is a minimization rather than a maximization
if t == MIN:
c = negate(c)
# 2. Variables without nonnegativity constraints
v = 0
while v < len(c):
if v not in nonneg:
c.insert(v + 1, -c[v])
for i in range(len(A)):
A[i].insert(v + 1, -A[i][v])
v += 1
v += 1
# 3. Replace equality constraints with inequalities
tA, tb, tcontypes = [], [], []
for i in range(len(A)):
if contypes[i] == EQ:
tA += [A[i]]*2
tb += [b[i]]*2
tcontypes += [LEQ, GEQ]
A, b, contypes = tA, tb, tcontypes
# 4. Replace greater than equal to with less than or equal to
A = [negate(A[i]) if contypes[i] == GEQ else A[i] for i in range(len(A))]
b = [-b[i] if contypes[i] == GEQ else b[i] for i in range(len(b))]
return A, b, c
def standard_slack(A, b, c) -> tuple:
""" Converts a linear program in standard form to one in slack form. """
n = len(A[0]) + 1
A = {i + n: list_dict(A[i]) for i in range(len(A))}
return (set(range(1, n)), set(A.keys()), A,
{i + n: b[i] for i in range(len(b))}, list_dict(c), 0)
def general_slack(prog) -> tuple:
""" Converts a general linear program into slack form. """
return standard_slack(*general_standard(*prog))
def pivot(N, B, A, b, c, v, l, e) -> tuple:
""" Returns the new linear program after replacing x_l with x_e. """
# Compute coefficients for the equation with the new basic variable x_e.
bp, cp, Ap = {}, {}, {v: {} for v in B - {l} | {e}}
bp[e] = b[l]/A[l][e]
for j in N - {e}:
Ap[e][j] = A[l][j]/A[l][e]
Ap[e][l] = 1/A[l][e]
# Compute coefficients of the remaining constraints.
for i in B - {l}:
bp[i] = b[i] - A[i][e]*bp[e]
for j in N - {e}:
Ap[i][j] = A[i][j] - A[i][e]*Ap[e][j]
Ap[i][l] = -A[i][e]*Ap[e][l]
# Compute objective function
vp = v + c[e]*bp[e]
for j in N - {e}:
cp[j] = c[j] - c[e]*Ap[e][j]
cp[l] = -c[e]*Ap[e][l]
# Compute new sets of basic and nonbasic variables.
Np = N - {e} | {l}
Bp = B - {l} | {e}
return Np, Bp, Ap, bp, cp, vp
def solve(N, B, A, b, c, v) -> tuple:
Solves a linear program in slack form
whose initial basic solution is feasible.
while any(x > EPSILON for x in c.values()):
# Bland's rule for both e and l
e = sorted(i for i in N if c[i] > EPSILON)[0]
l = min(B, key=lambda i:
(b[i]/A[i][e] if A[i][e] > EPSILON else float("inf"), i)
if A[l][e] <= EPSILON:
return UNBOUNDED + "$"
N, B, A, b, c, v = pivot(N, B, A, b, c, v, l, e)
return (tuple(b.get(i, 0) for i in range(1, len(N) + 1)),
v, (N, B, A, b, c, v))
def initialize_simplex(A, b, c) -> tuple:
Determines whether or not a linear program is feasible, and if it
is, returns a slack form whose initial basic solution is feasible.
k = min(range(len(b)), key=lambda i: b[i])
# initial basic solution feasible
if b[k] >= EPSILON:
return standard_slack(A, b, c)
# objective function -x_0
cp = {i: 0 for i in range(1, len(c) + 1)}
cp[0] = -1
N, B, A, b, c, v = standard_slack(A, b, c)
# add -x_0 to each equation in the linear program
for i in A:
A[i][0] = -1
N |= {0}
N, B, A, b, cp, v = pivot(N, B, A, b, cp, v, len(N) + k, 0)
x, v, (N, B, A, b, cp, v) = solve(N, B, A, b, cp, v)
if abs(v) <= EPSILON:
N -= {0}
# remove x_0 from constraints
for i in A:
del A[i][0]
# substitute to form objective function
cp = {i: 0 for i in N}
for i in c:
if i in A:
for j in A[i]:
cp[j] -= c[i]*A[i][j]
v += c[i]*b[i]
cp[i] += c[i]
return N, B, A, b, cp, v
def simplex(prog) -> tuple:
""" Solves an arbitrary linear program in standard form. """
slack = initialize_simplex(*prog)
if slack == INFEASIBLE:
return solve(*slack)[:-1]
Cooley–Tukey Recursive FFT - Verification - Complexity:
import cmath, math
def recur_fft(a: list, inv: bool=False) -> list:
""" Computes the DFT of a with recursion and complex roots of unity. """
n = len(a)
if n == 1:
return a
wn = cmath.exp((-1 if inv else 1)*2*cmath.pi*1j/n)
w = 1
y0, y1 = recur_fft(a[::2], inv), recur_fft(a[1::2], inv)
y = [0]*n
for k in range(n >> 1):
t = w*y1[k]
y[k] = y0[k] + t
y[k + (n >> 1)] = y0[k] - t
w *= wn
return y
def inv_recur_fft(a: list) -> list:
""" Computes the inverse DFT of a. """
return [x/len(a) for x in recur_fft(a, True)]
Cooley–Tukey Iterative FFT - Verification - Complexity:
def rev_increment(c: int, m: int) -> int:
""" Increments a reverse binary counter. """
i = 1 << (m - 1)
while c & i > 0:
c ^= i
i >>= 1
return c ^ i
def bit_rev_copy(a: list) -> list:
""" Constructs an initial order from a by reversing the bits of the index. """
n, m = len(a), len(a).bit_length() - 1
A = [0]*n
c = 0
for i in range(n):
A[c] = a[i]
c = rev_increment(c, m)
return A
def iter_fft(a: list, inv: bool=False) -> list:
""" Computes the DFT iteratively. """
n = len(a)
A = bit_rev_copy(a)
for s in range(1, n.bit_length()):
m = 1 << s
wm = cmath.exp((-1 if inv else 1)*2*cmath.pi*1j/m)
for k in range(0, n, m):
w = 1
for j in range(m >> 1):
t = w*A[k + j + (m >> 1)]
u = A[k + j]
A[k + j] = u + t
A[k + j + (m >> 1)] = u - t
w *= wm
return A
def inv_iter_fft(a: list) -> list:
""" Computes the inverse DFT of a. """
return [x/len(a) for x in iter_fft(a, True)]
Readings for the following number theoretic FFT algorithms:
Iterative FFT with modulo (NTT) - Verification: SPOJ MAXMATCH - Complexity: O(n log n)
def find_kp(n: int) -> tuple:
Finds the smallest k such that p = kn + 1 is prime.
pi(n) = n/log n, so the probability of a random number
being prime is 1/log n, expect to try log n numbers
until finding a prime - expected O((sqrt n)(log n)).
k, p = 1, n + 1
while not prime(p):
k += 1
p += n
return k, p
def find_generator(n: int, k: int, p: int) -> int:
Euler's totient function phi(n) gives the
order of a modulo multiplicative group mod p.
phi(p) = p - 1 = kn
prime factors of kn are 2, maybe k
expected O(log^8 ish n)
prime_factors = [2] + ([k] if prime(k) else [])
for i in range(p):
# coprime and thus in the group
if gcd(i, p) == 1:
if all(mod_exp(i, k*n//factor, p) != 1
for factor in prime_factors):
return i
def find_wp(n: int) -> tuple:
Returns w, the principal nth root of unity
and p, the prime determining the mod.
k, p = find_kp(n)
g = find_generator(n, k, p)
return mod_exp(g, k, p), p
def get_w(w: int, N: int, n: int, p: int) -> int:
""" Returns w, the principal nth root of unity for n. """
return mod_exp(w, 1 << (N - n + 1), p)
def int_fft(a: list, wn: int, p: int) -> list:
""" Compute the DFT iteratively with modulo instead of complex numbers. """
n, lgn = len(a), len(a).bit_length()
A = bit_rev_copy(a)
for s in range(1, lgn):
m = 1 << s
wm = mod_exp(wn, 1 << (lgn - s - 1), p)
for k in range(0, n, m):
w = 1
for j in range(m >> 1):
t = w*A[k + j + (m >> 1)]
u = A[k + j]
A[k + j] = (u + t) % p
A[k + j + (m >> 1)] = (u - t) % p
w = (w*wm) % p
return A
def inv_int_fft(a: list, wn: int, p: int) -> list:
""" Computes the inverse DFT of a. """
wn, n1 = inv(wn, p), inv(len(a), p)
return [(x*n1) % p for x in int_fft(a, wn, p)]
Recursive FFT with modulo (NTT) - Verification - Complexity:
def recur_int_fft(a: list, wn: int, p: int) -> list:
""" Computes the DFT of a with recursion and modulo. """
n = len(a)
if n == 1:
return a
w = 1
y0, y1 = int_fft(a[::2], (wn*wn) % p, p), int_fft(a[1::2], (wn*wn) % p, p)
y = [0]*n
for k in range(n >> 1):
t = (w*y1[k]) % p
y[k] = (y0[k] + t) % p
y[k + (n >> 1)] = (y0[k] - t) % p
w = (w*wn) % p
return y
Polynomial Multiplication with the FFT - Verification: SPOJ POLYMUL - Complexity:
Note: make sure is bigger than , where is the biggest number in the array and is the length of the array.
def mirror(a: list) -> list:
Mirrors a such that the resulting list has a length which is a power of 2.
n, np = len(a), 1 << math.ceil(math.log2(len(a)))
a += [0]*(np - n)
# for i in range(np - n):
# a[n + i] = a[n - i - 2]
return a
def poly_mult(a: list, b: list, w: int, p: int) -> list:
""" Multiplies two polynomials via the modular FFT. """
m = len(a) + len(b) - 1
n = max(len(a), len(b))
# make both lists the same size and degree bound 2n instead of n
ap = mirror(a + [0]*(n - len(a)) + [0]*n)
bp = mirror(b + [0]*(n - len(b)) + [0]*n)
w = get_w(w, N, len(ap).bit_length(), p)
ap, bp = int_fft(ap, w, p), int_fft(bp, w, p)
return inv_int_fft([ap[i]*bp[i] for i in range(len(ap))], w, p)[:m]
def ntt_sign(l: list, p: int) -> list:
""" Assumes that substantial numbers are signed and therefore negative. """
return [x if x < (p >> 1) else x - p for x in l]
if __name__ == "__main__":
N = 20
w, p = find_wp(1 << N)
2D Convolution - Verification - Complexity:
def flatten(m: list, pad=0) -> list:
""" Flattens a matrix into a list. """
return [x for row in m for x in row + [0]*pad]
def reshape(l: list, m: int, n: int) -> list:
""" Shapes a list into a M x N matrix."""
return [[l[r*n + c] for c in range(n)] for r in range(m)]
def conv(h: list, x: list):
""" Computes the 2D convolution. """
M, N, H, W = len(x), len(x[0]), len(h), len(h[0])
# need to pad the columns to the final size
h, x = flatten(h, N - 1), flatten(x, W - 1)
return reshape(fft(h, x), M + H - 1, N + W - 1)
def prune(h: list, x: list) -> list:
""" Prunes a convolution for the specific K x K filter case. """
m, k = conv(h, x), min(len(h), len(x))
pad = (k - 1)>>1
return [row[pad:-pad] for row in m[pad:-pad]]
Reference paper: Linear Suffix Array Construction by Almost Pure Induced-Sorting.
Suffix Array by Induced Sorting - Verification: SPOJ SARRAY - Complexity:
def lms_block(s: list, t: list, i: int) -> str:
""" Label each character of s with L (False) or S (True). """
j, l = i + 1, False
while j < len(s) and not (l and t[j]):
if not t[j]:
l = True
j += 1
return s[i:j]
def induced_sort(s: list, t: list, blocks: list=None) -> list:
""" Induced sort of s. """
n = len(s)
c = {}
for i in range(n):
c[s[i]] = c.get(s[i], 0) + 1
# modified bucket sort -
# the size of the alphabet is bounded by the length of the string
order = [i for i in range(min(c), max(c) + 1) if i in c]
b = {order[0]: [0, c[order[0]] - 1]}
for i in range(1, len(order)):
b[order[i]] = [b[order[i - 1]][1] + 1,
b[order[i - 1]][1] + c[order[i]]]
sa = [-1]*n
if blocks is None:
for i in range(n - 1, 0, -1):
# LMS index
if not t[i - 1] and t[i]:
sa[b[s[i]][1]] = i
b[s[i]][1] -= 1
# given sorted order from recursive call
for i in reversed(blocks):
sa[b[s[i]][1]] = i
b[s[i]][1] -= 1
# put L types from the front
for i in range(n):
j = sa[i] - 1
if sa[i] > 0 and not t[j]:
sa[b[s[j]][0]] = j
b[s[j]][0] += 1
# reset right borders
for i in range(1, len(order)):
b[order[i]] = [b[order[i]][0],
c[order[i]] + (b[order[i - 1]][1] if i > 0 else -1)]
# put S types from the back
for i in range(n - 1, -1, -1):
j = sa[i] - 1
if sa[i] > 0 and t[j]:
sa[b[s[j]][1]] = j
b[s[j]][1] -= 1
return sa
def suffix_array(s: list) -> list:
""" Construct the suffix array for the string s. """
# convert a string to an array of integer ordinal values
if isinstance(s, str):
s = list(map(ord, s))
n = len(s)
# True is "S" type and "L" is False
t = [True]*n
for i in range(n - 2, -1, -1):
if s[i] < s[i + 1]:
t[i] = True
elif s[i] > s[i + 1]:
t[i] = False
t[i] = t[i + 1]
sa = induced_sort(s, t)
# LMS blocks
blocks = [sa[i] for i in range(n)
if sa[i] > 0 and t[sa[i]] and not t[sa[i] - 1]]
# name blocks
names = {}
for i in range(len(blocks)):
names[blocks[i]] = names.get(blocks[i - 1], -1) + \
(i == 0 or \
lms_block(s, t, blocks[i]) != lms_block(s, t, blocks[i - 1])
blocks = [i for i in range(n) if i in names]
# reduced list guaranteed to be < n/2 of the original
reduced = [names[block] for block in blocks]
# all distinct characters - base case
m = len(reduced)
if len(set(reduced)) == m:
sa1 = [0]*(m + 1)
for i in range(m):
sa1[reduced[i] + 1] = i
sa1 = suffix_array(reduced + [-1])
# sort blocks by suffix array of reduced string
temp = [0]*len(sa1)
for i in range(1, len(sa1)):
temp[i] = blocks[sa1[i]]
blocks = temp
sa = induced_sort(s, t, blocks)
return sa
Reference paper: Linear-Time Longest-Common-Prefix Computation in Suffix Arrays and Its Applications
Kasai - Verification: USACO Standing Out - Complexity:
def lcp_array(s: str, sa: list) -> list:
"""" Construct the LCP array given a string s and its suffix array sa. """
n = len(s)
rank = [0]*n
for i in range(n):
rank[sa[i]] = i
lcp = [0]*(n - 1)
h = 0
for i in range(n):
if rank[i] > 1:
# suffix before rank[i] in the suffix array
k = sa[rank[i] - 1]
while s[i + h] == s[k + h]:
h += 1
lcp[rank[i] - 1] = h
if h > 0:
h -= 1
return lcp
Generalized Suffix Arrays - Verification: SPOJ LPS - Complexity: O(m)
def generalized_suffix_array(words: list) -> tuple:
""" Build a single suffix array on the concatenation of multiple words. """
n = [v for i, word in enumerate(words)
for v in (list(map(ord, word)) + [i - len(words)])]
return n, suffix_array(n)
Suffix Trees - Verification: SPOJ STAMMER - Complexity: O(m)
class SuffixTree:
def __init__(self, key, parent=None, left=None, right=None, *,
start: int=None, end: int=None) -> None:
# cartesian tree variables
# stores the LCP value for internal nodes
# and the suffix index for leaf nodes
self.key = key
self.parent = parent
self.child = [left, right]
# suffix tree variables
# keyed by first character (distinct)
self.children = {}
# start and end indexes in the string
self.start, self.end = start, end
# root contains a copy of the original string
self.s = None
def __str__(self, n=None, s="", d=0) -> str:
""" Fancy tree printing (uses the original string to draw edges). """
if self.s is not None:
rtn = []
# precompute heights
h = {None: -1, self: 0}
q = [self]
while len(q) > 0:
n = q.pop()
for child in n.children.values():
h[child] = h[n] + 1
# actually compute string representation
q = [self]
while len(q) > 0:
n = q.pop()
while len(q) > 0:
n = q.pop()
edge = self.s[n.start: n.end + 1] \
if n.start is not None and n.end is not None else ""
# edge = (n.start, n.end)
rtn.append("{}{} {}\n".format(" "*4*h[n], n.key, edge))
for child in sorted(n.children, reverse=True):
return "".join(rtn)
return "{}{}".format(self.key, "$" if len(self.children) == 0 else "")
def __contains__(self, s: str) -> bool:
""" Whether s is a substring of the suffix tree. """
return self.match(s) is not None
def match(self, s: str) -> "SuffixTree":
Returns the subtree matching the string s, None if it does not exist.
i = 0
t = self
while i < len(s):
if s[i] not in t.children:
return None
t = t.children[s[i]]
j = t.start
while j <= t.end and i < len(s):
if s[i] != self.s[j]:
return None
j += 1
i += 1
return t
def count(self, s: str) -> list:
""" Reports the index of each occurrence of s in the string. """
t = self.match(s)
l = []
if t is None:
return l
stk = [t]
while len(stk) > 0:
n = stk.pop()
# leaf node
if len(n.children) == 0:
for child in n.children.values():
return l
def suffix_array(self) -> list:
""" Inorder traversal yields a suffix array. """
sa = []
stk = [self]
while len(stk) > 0:
n = stk.pop()
if len(n.children) == 0:
# s log s where s is the size of the alphabet
for k in sorted(n.children, reverse=True):
return sa
def cartesian_tree(l: list) -> SuffixTree:
""" Constructs a Cartesian tree for a LCP array in O(n). """
stk = []
for i in range(len(l)):
c = None
while len(stk) > 0 and stk[-1].key > l[i]:
c = stk.pop()
stk.append(SuffixTree(l[i], stk[-1] if len(stk) > 0 else None, c))
# add right child
if len(stk) > 1:
stk[-2].child[1] = stk[-1]
# merge same values
# if stk[-1].key == stk[-2].key:
# stk[-2].child[0] = stk[-1].child[0]
# stk.pop()
return stk[0]
def process(n: SuffixTree, sa: list, sword: list,
wstart: dict, c: int, i: int) -> None:
""" Adds a suffix of the string if the node is missing a child. """
if n.child[c] is None:
end = wstart[sword[sa[i]] + 1] - 1 \
if sword[sa[i]] + 1 < len(wstart) else len(sa) - 1
n.child[c] = SuffixTree(sa[i], n, start=sa[i] + n.key, end=end)
return i + 1
return i
def dfs(s: str, sa: list, t: SuffixTree,
sword: list, wstart: dict) -> SuffixTree:
""" Construct a suffix tree from the string s given its suffix array. """
stk = [(t, 0)]
i = 0
while len(stk) > 0:
n, p = stk[-1]
i = process(n, sa, sword, wstart, 0, i)
# either leaf or done with children
if p == 2:
i = process(n, sa, sword, wstart, 1, i)
# merge same values
if n.parent is not None and n.key == n.parent.key:
n.parent.child = [
child for child in n.parent.child + n.child
if child.start is not None or child.key != n.key
# label nodes with start and end values
for child in n.child:
if child.start is None:
# min start index of children minus 1
child.end = min(child.child,
key=lambda x: x.start).start - 1
# difference in LCP values
child.start = child.end - (child.key - n.key) + 1
# key by first character of edge
n.children[s[child.start]] = child
child.parent = n
# has children left to process
child = n.child[p]
stk[-1] = (n, p + 1)
if child is not None and child.start is None:
stk.append((child, 0))
# copy original string to convert (start, end) into substrings
t.s = s
# additional state information
t.sword, t.wstart = sword, wstart
return t
def suffix_tree(s: str, sa: list, lcp: list,
word: list=[], start: dict={}) -> SuffixTree:
""" Constructs a suffix tree for a string in O(n). """
return dfs(s, sa, cartesian_tree(lcp),
word if len(word) > 0 else [0]*len(s),
start if len(start) > 0 else {s: 0})
Ukkonen's algorithm (direct construction)
Generalized Suffix Tree - Verification - Complexity:
def generalized_suffix_tree(words: list) -> SuffixTree:
""" Construct a suffix tree on the concatenation of multiple words. """
s, sword, wstart = [], [], {}
j = 0
for i, word in enumerate(words):
wstart[i] = j
for k in range(len(word)):
j += 1
s.append(chr(128 + i))
j += 1
s = "".join(s) + "$"
sa = suffix_array(s)
lcp = lcp_array(s, sa)
t = suffix_tree(s, sa, lcp, sword, wstart)
return t
Suffix Tree to DAG - Verification - Complexity:
def suffix_tree_dag(t: SuffixTree) -> dict:
""" Converts a suffix tree to a numeric DAG. """
ids, graph = {t: 0}, {}
stk = [t]
i = 1
while len(stk) > 0:
n = stk.pop()
if ids[n] not in graph:
graph[ids[n]] = []
for child in n.children.values():
ids[child] = i
i += 1
return ids, graph
Aho-Corasick - Verification: USACO Censoring - Complexity:
from collections import deque
class Trie:
def __init__(self, ch=None) -> None:
self.children = {} # pointers to children = ch if isinstance(ch, str) else "" # character
self.end = [] # represents a pattern
self.suffix = self.output = None # aho-corasick
# create trie from list of patterns
if isinstance(ch, list):
for i, pattern in enumerate(ch):
self.add(pattern, i)
def __str__(self) -> str:
if == "":
rtn = []
# precompute heights
h = {None: -1, self: 0}
q = [self]
while len(q) > 0:
n = q.pop()
for child in n.children.values():
h[child] = h[n] + 1
# actually compute string representation
q = [self]
while len(q) > 0:
n = q.pop()
rtn.append("{}{}{}:{} {}\n".format(" "*h[n],,
"$" if n.end else "",
h[n.suffix], h[n.output]))
for child in sorted(n.children.values(),
reverse=True, key=lambda x:
return "".join(rtn)
return "{}{}".format(, "$" if self.end is not None else "")
def add(self, s: str, id: int=None) -> None:
""" Add s to the trie. """
for ch in s:
if ch not in self.children:
self.children[ch] = Trie(ch)
self = self.children[ch]
def link(root: Trie) -> None:
""" Computes the suffix links and output links for a given trie. """
q = deque([(None, root)])
while len(q) > 0:
prev, n = q.popleft()
if prev is not None:
# suffix links
x = prev.suffix
while x is not None:
if in x.children:
n.suffix = x.children[]
x = x.suffix
n.suffix = root
# output links
n.output = n.suffix if len(n.suffix.end) > 0 else n.suffix.output
for child in n.children.values():
q.append((n, child))
def aho_corasick(s: str, patterns: list, t: Trie=None) -> list:
""" Return all matches of patterns in s with the Aho-Corasick automata. """
# create automata or use precomputed
if t is None:
root = Trie(patterns)
t = root
# find matches
matches = [0]*len(patterns)
for ch in s:
while ch not in t.children and != "":
t = t.suffix
if ch in t.children:
t = t.children[ch]
if len(t.end) > 0:
matches[t.end[0]] += 1
word = t.output
while word is not None:
matches[word.end[0]] += 1
word = word.output
# reuse values for duplicated patterns
stk = [root]
while len(stk) > 0:
n = stk.pop()
for i in range(1, len(n.end)):
matches[n.end[i]] = matches[n.end[0]]
for child in n.children.values():
return matches
Knuth-Morris-Pratt - Verification: SPOJ Rotations - Complexity:
def prefix_function(s: str) -> list:
pi = [-1]*len(s)
k = -1
for i in range(1, len(s)):
while k >= 0 and s[k + 1] != s[i]:
k = pi[k]
if s[k + 1] == s[i]:
k += 1
pi[i] = k
return pi
def kmp(s: str, p: str) -> list:
pi = prefix_function(p)
k = -1
matches = []
for i in range(len(s)):
while k >= 0 and p[k + 1] != s[i]:
k = pi[k]
if p[k + 1] == s[i]:
k += 1
if k == len(p) - 1:
matches.append(i - len(p) + 1)
k = pi[k]
return matches
import sys
from functools import lru_cache
def recur(*args, **kwargs):
Breadth-first search - Verification: AI - Complexity:
from collections import deque
def bfs(graph, start):
""" Breadth-first search on graph from start. """
seen = {start}
q = deque([start])
while len(q) > 0:
n = q.popleft()
for child in graph[n]:
if child not in seen:
Depth-first search - Verification: AI - Complexity:
def dfs(graph, start):
""" Depth-first search on graph from start. """
seen = {start}
stk = [start]
while len(stk) > 0:
n = stk.pop()
for child in graph[n]:
if child not in seen:
Iterative post-order depth-first search - Verification - Complexity:
def dfs(graph, u):
""" Iterative post-order depth-first search. """
seen = {u}
stk = [(u, 0)]
while len(stk) > 0:
n, p = stk[-1]
# either leaf or done with children
if len(graph[n]) == p:
# has children left to process
child = graph[n][p]
stk[-1] = (n, p + 1)
if child not in seen:
stk.append((child, 0))
Iterative post-order DFS (without indexing children) - Verification - Complexity:
def dfs(graph, u):
""" Iterative post-order depth-first search. """
done, seen = set(), set()
stk = [u]
while len(stk) > 0:
n = stk[-1]
# done with children
if n in seen:
if n not in done:
# has children left to process
for child in graph[n]:
if child not in seen:
Eulerian Tour - Verification: USACO Training Riding the Fences - Complexity:
def eulerian_tour(graph: dict) -> list:
""" Finds a Eulerian tour or walk of the graph, whichever is possible. """
# remove nodes with no edges
graph = {k: v for k, v in graph.items() if len(v) > 0}
count = sum(len(graph[v]) % 2 for v in graph)
if count != 0 and count != 2:
return # no such tour
start = 0 if count == 0 else \
next((v for v in graph if len(graph[v]) % 2 == 1))
stk = [(start, 0)]
tour = []
seen = set()
while len(stk) > 0:
n, p = stk[-1]
# done with children
if len(graph[n]) == p:
# has children left to process
child = graph[n][p]
stk[-1] = (n, p + 1)
# edges have a unique id - (vertex, id)
if (child[1] not in seen):
stk.append((child[0], 0))
return tour[::-1]
Topological Sort - Verification - Complexity:
def dfs(graph: dict, u: int, order: list, done: set) -> list:
""" Depth-first search on graph from start. """
stk = [u]
seen = set()
while len(stk) > 0:
n = stk[-1]
# done with children
if n in seen:
if n not in done:
# has children left to process
for child in graph[n]:
if child not in done:
if child not in seen:
# cycle, child processed before
return True
def topological_sort(graph: dict) -> list:
""" Toplogical ordering on the directed acylic graph. """
order, done = [], set()
for n in graph:
if n not in done:
if dfs(graph, n, order, done):
return []
return order[::-1]
Dijkstra - Verification: USACO Training Sweet Butter - Complexity: (I think)
import heapq
def dijkstra(graph, i):
""" Single-source shortest path for the graph starting at i. """
dists = {i: float("inf") for i in range(len(graph))}
paths = {i: 0 for i in range(len(graph))}
dists[i] = 0
pq = [(dists[i], i)]
seen = set()
while len(pq) > 0:
dist, n = heapq.heappop(pq)
if n in seen: continue
for c, w in graph[n].items():
if dists[n] + w < dists[c]:
dists[c] = dists[n] + w
paths[c] = n
if c not in seen:
heapq.heappush(pq, (dists[c], c))
return dists, paths
Dijkstra assuming the priority queue provides a
.update(key, value)
def heap_dijkstra(graph, i):
""" Single-source shortest path for the graph starting at i. """
dists = {i: float("inf") for i in range(len(graph))}
paths = {i: 0 for i in range(len(graph))}
dists[i] = 0
pq = BST()
for v in graph:
pq.add((float("inf") if v != i else 0, v), v)
seen = set()
while len(pq) > 0:
dist, n = pq.pop()
dist = dist[0]
for c, w in graph[n].items():
if dists[n] + w < dists[c] and c not in seen:
temp = dists[c]
dists[c] = dists[n] + w
paths[c] = n
pq.update((temp, c), c, (dists[c], c))
return dists, paths
Floyd-Warshall - Verification: USACO Training Bessie Come Home - Complexity:
def floyd_warshall():
""" All-pairs shortest path for the graph. """
m = [[float("inf")]*N for i in range(N)]
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
m[i][j] = 0 if i == j else \
(graph[i][j] if j in graph[i] else m[i][j])
for k in range(N):
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
if m[i][k] + m[k][j] < m[i][j]:
m[i][j] = m[i][k] + m[k][j]
Floyd-Warshall for sparse graphs - Verification: USACO Training Cow Tours
def floyd_warshall():
""" All-pairs shortest path for the graph. """
m = [[float("inf")]*N for i in range(N)]
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
m[i][j] = 0 if i == j else \
(graph[i][j] if j in graph[i] else m[i][j])
poss = [set([i for i in range(N) if row[i] != float("inf")]) for row in m]
for k in range(N):
for i in range(N):
if k not in poss[i]: continue
for j in poss[k]:
if m[i][k] + m[k][j] < m[i][j]:
m[i][j] = m[i][k] + m[k][j]
manhat = lambda i, j, x, y: abs(i - x) + abs(j - y)
A* - Verification: AI - Complexity: ???
def Astar(start):
""" Single-source shortest path for the graph. """
seen = set()
pq = [(dist(start), start, 0)]
while len(pq) > 0:
dis, n, moves = heapq.heappop(pq)
if n == goal:
return moves
if n in seen: continue
for child in get_children(n):
(heuristic(child) + moves + 1, child, moves + 1)
Union-find (or disjoint-set) - Verification: USACO Closing - Complexity:
where is the inverse Ackermann function.
def union_init(n: int) -> tuple:
""" Initialize the union-find data structure. """
return {i: i for i in range(n)}, {i: 1 for i in range(n)}
def find(parent: dict, u: int) -> int:
""" Find the root of u. """
if parent[u] == u:
return u
parent[u] = find(parent, parent[u])
return parent[u]
def union(parent: dict, size: dict, u: int, v: int) -> bool:
""" Union the components of u and v. """
ur, vr = find(parent, u), find(parent, v)
if ur == vr:
return False
x, y = (ur, vr) if size[ur] < size[vr] else (vr, ur)
parent[x] = y
size[y] += size[x]
return True
Iterative variant
def find(parent: dict, u: int) -> int:
""" Find the root of u. """
i = u
while parent[i] != i:
i = parent[i]
while parent[u] != u:
p = parent[u]
parent[u] = i
u = p
return i
Kruskal - Verification: USACO Simplify - Complexity:
def kruskal(graph: dict) -> list:
""" Find the minimum spanning tree of the graph with Kruskal's. """
parent, size = {u: u for u in graph}, {u: 1 for u in graph}
span = []
for e in sorted((graph[u][v], u, v)
for u in graph for v in graph[u] if v > u):
w, u, v = e
if find(parent, u) != find(parent, v):
span.append((w, u, v))
union(parent, size, u, v)
return span
Prim - Verification - Complexity:
def prim(m: list) -> float:
""" Find the minimum spanning tree of the graph with Prim's. """
distances = {i: float("inf") for i in range(len(m))}
paths = {i: 0 for i in range(len(m))}
tree = {i: False for i in range(len(m))}
size, cost = 1, 0
tree[0] = True
for i in range(len(m)):
distances[i] = m[0][i]
paths[i] = 0
while size < len(m):
i = min(distances,
key=lambda x: distances[x] if not tree[x] else float("inf"))
size += 1
cost += distances[i]
tree[i] = True
for j in range(len(m)):
if distances[j] > m[i][j]:
distances[j] = m[i][j]
paths[j] = i
return cost
Important if using recursion
import sys
Connected components - Verification - Complexity:
def assign(u, num, ids={}):
""" Assign u and its children to the component num. """
stk = [u]
while len(stk) > 0:
n = stk.pop()
ids[n] = num
for child in graph[n]:
if child not in ids:
ids[child] = num
def connected(graph):
""" Find the connected components of the graph. """
ids, num = {}, 0
for u in graph:
if u not in ids:
assign(u, num, ids)
num += 1
return ids, num
Recursion bad - see iterative post-order/assign
def visit(u, seen=set(), l=deque([])):
""" Visit u and its children. """
if u not in seen:
for v in reverse[u]:
visit(v, seen, l)
return seen, l
def assign(u, num, ids={}):
""" Assign u and its children to the component num. """
if u not in ids:
ids[u] = num
for v in graph[u]:
assign(v, num, ids)
return ids
Kosaraju-Sharir - Verification - Complexity: O(V + E)
def assign(u, num, ids={}):
""" Assign u and its children to the component num. """
stk = [u]
while len(stk) > 0:
n = stk.pop()
ids[n] = num
for child in graph[n]:
if child not in ids:
ids[child] = num
def visit(u, seen=set(), l=deque([])):
""" Visit u and its children. """
if u in seen: return
stk = [u]
done = set()
while len(stk) > 0:
n = stk[-1]
# done with children
if n in seen:
if n not in done:
# has children left to process
for child in reverse[n]:
if child not in seen:
def kosaraju_sharir(graph):
""" Find the strongly connected components with Kosaraju-Sharir. """
seen, l = set(), deque([])
for u in graph:
visit(u, seen, l)
ids, num = {}, 0
for u in l:
if u not in ids:
assign(u, num, ids)
num += 1
return ids, num
Recover components from ids
comps = {i: [] for i in range(N)}
for key, value in ids.items():
Lowest Common Ancestor - Verification: PClassic - Complexity:
def bfs(graph, start):
""" Breadth-first search on graph from start. """
heights = {}
parents = {start: start}
q = deque([(start, 0)])
while len(q) > 0:
n, h = q.popleft()
heights[n] = h
for child in graph[n]:
if child not in heights:
heights[child] = h + 1
parents[child] = n
q.append((child, h + 1))
return heights, parents
def lca(heights, parents, u, v):
h1, h2 = heights[u], heights[v]
x, y = (u, v) if h1 > h2 else (v, u)
while h1 != h2:
x = parents[x]
if h1 > h2:
h1 -= 1
h2 -= 1
while x != y:
x = parents[x]
y = parents[y]
return x
Jump Pointers - Verification: USACO Max Flow - Complexity:
import math
def build_table(parents: dict) -> list:
""" Builds a 2^n jump pointer table in O(n log n) """
n, m = len(parents), math.ceil(math.log2(len(parents)))
dp = [[0]*m for i in range(n)]
for i in range(n):
dp[i][0] = parents[i]
for j in range(m - 1):
for i in range(n):
dp[i][j + 1] = dp[dp[i][j]][j]
return dp
def jump(table: list, u: int, d: int) -> int:
""" Returns the ancestor d height above a node u in O(log d). """
i = 0
while d > 0:
if d & 1 == 1:
u = table[u][i]
d >>= 1
i += 1
return u
def lca(heights: dict, table: list, u: int, v: int) -> int:
""" Returns the Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) in O(log n) """
h1, h2 = heights[u], heights[v]
x, y = (u, v) if h1 > h2 else (v, u)
x = jump(table, x, abs(h1 - h2))
if x == y: return x
i = len(table[x]) - 1
while i >= 0:
if table[x][i] != table[y][i]:
x, y = table[x][i], table[y][i]
i -= 1
return table[x][0]
Euler Tour - Verification: USACO Max Flow - Complexity:
def traversal(u) -> tuple:
""" Euler tour on the tree rooted at u. """
stk = [(u, 0, 0)]
seen = set()
left, right, l = {}, [], []
while len(stk) > 0:
n, p, h = stk[-1]
# either leaf or done with children
if len(graph[n]) == p:
left[n] = len(l)
# has children left to process
child = graph[n][p]
stk[-1] = (n, p + 1, h)
if child not in seen:
stk.append((child, 0, h + 1))
left[n] = len(l)
return left, right, l
indexes, inv, array = traversal(0)
fh = fischer_heun(array)
l = inv[rmq(array, *fh, indexes[a], indexes[b])]
Heavy-Light Decomposition - Verification: USACO Milk Visits - Complexity:
def hld(graph: dict, start: int) -> tuple:
""" Heavy-light decomposition of the tree. """
parents = {start: start}
heights = {start: 0}
heavy = {}
size = {u: 1 for u in range(len(graph))}
largest = {u: 0 for u in range(len(graph))}
stk = [(start, 0)]
while len(stk) > 0:
n, p = stk[-1]
# either leaf or done with children
if len(graph[n]) == p:
for child in graph[n]:
size[n] += size[child]
# heavy edge is the largest subtree out of a node's children
if child != parents[n] and size[child] > largest[n]:
largest[n] = size[child]
heavy[n] = child
# has children left to process
child = graph[n][p]
stk[-1] = (n, p + 1)
if child not in parents:
parents[child] = n
heights[child] = heights[n] + 1
stk.append((child, 0))
return parents, heights, heavy
def hld_decomp(graph: dict, heavy: dict, start: int) -> tuple:
""" Heavy-light decomposition of the tree. """
cur = 0
head, indexes = {}, {}
array = []
seen = set()
stk = [(start, start)]
while len(stk) > 0:
n, h = stk.pop()
head[n] = h
indexes[n] = cur
cur += 1
for child in graph[n]:
if child not in seen and child != heavy.get(n, None):
stk.append((child, child))
# traverse heavy edges first, since it's a stack it goes after
if n in heavy:
stk.append((heavy[n], h))
return head, indexes, array
def query(parents: dict, heights: dict, head: dict,
array: dict, indexes: dict, u: int, v: int) -> float:
ans = 0
while head[u] != head[v]:
u, v = (u, v) if heights[head[u]] > heights[head[v]] else (v, u)
mx = 0
# mx = rmq(array, indexes[head[u]], indexes[v])
ans = ans if ans > mx else mx
u = parents[head[u]]
u, v = (u, v) if heights[u] < heights[v] else (v, u)
mx = 0
# mx = rmq(array, indexes[u], indexes[v])
ans = ans if ans > mx else mx
return ans
Verification - Complexity:
def tree_to_dag(u, seen=set()):
""" Turn a tree into a DAG. """
if u in seen: return
stk = [(u, 0)]
new = {i: [] for i in range(len(graph))}
while len(stk) > 0:
n, p = stk[-1]
# either leaf or done with children
if len(graph[n]) == p:
# has children left to process
child = graph[n][p]
stk[-1] = (n, p + 1)
if child not in seen:
stk.append((child, 0))
return new
def dfs(u, seen=set()):
""" Depth-first search on graph from start. """
if u in seen: return
stk = [(u, 0)]
indexes = {}
used = -1
while len(stk) > 0:
n, p = stk[-1]
# either leaf or done with children
if len(graph[n]) == p:
if p == 0:
used += 1
indexes[n] = (used, used)
l, r = indexes[graph[n][0]][0], indexes[graph[n][-1]][1] + 1
indexes[n] = (l, r)
used = r
# has children left to process
child = graph[n][p]
stk[-1] = (n, p + 1)
if child not in seen:
stk.append((child, 0))
return indexes
Edmonds-Karp - Verification: SPOJ MTOTALF - Complexity:
def bfs(c, f, s, t):
""" Breadth-first search on graph from start. """
q = deque([(s, float("inf"))])
paths = {s: None}
while len(q) > 0:
n, flow = q.popleft()
if n == t:
return flow, paths
for child in c[n]:
cf = c[n][child] - f[n][child]
if child not in paths and cf > 0:
paths[child] = n
q.append((child, min(flow, cf)))
def edmonds_karp(c, s, t):
""" Compute the flow of the graph with Edmonds-Karp. """
f = {u: {v: 0 for v in c} for u in c}
p = bfs(c, f, s, t)
flow = 0
while p is not None:
df, path = p
u, v = t, path[t]
flow += df
while v is not None:
f[v][u] += df
f[u][v] = -f[v][u]
u, v = v, path[v]
p = bfs(c, f, s, t)
return flow, f
Max Flow (USACO Drainage Ditches)
Self edge: flow is 0 (), therefore capacity is 0
Multiple edges between : one edge with the sum of the capacities
Undirected graph: add and
Unweighted graph: weight of 1
If vertex has capacity : make new vertices , . All edges going into go into , going out of goes from . Add edge with capacity .
Multiple sources/sinks: make supersource connected to each source with infinite capacity and each sink connected to supersink with infinite capacity
Reduce into max flow by assigning each edge a capacity of 1, add source connected to each left vertex and sink connected to each right vertex.
Merge Sort - Verification: MBIT Hen Hackers - Complexity:
def merge_two(l1: list, l2: list) -> list:
""" Takes in two sorted lists and returns a sorted list. """
rtn = []
p1 = p2 = 0
while p1 < len(l1) and p2 < len(l2):
if l1[p1] < l2[p2]:
p1 += 1
p2 += 1
return rtn + (l1[p1:] if p1 != len(l1) else l2[p2:])
def merge_sort(l: list) -> list:
""" Sorts a list. """
m = len(l)>>1
return l if m == 0 else merge_two(merge_sort(l[:m]), merge_sort(l[m:]))
Quick Sort - Verification - Complexity: expected
def median(n1: int, n2: int, n3: int) -> int:
""" Finds the median of three numbers. """
return sorted([n1, n2, n3])[1]
def quick_sort(l: list) -> list:
""" Sorts a list. """
if len(l) <= 1:
return l
m = median(l[0], l[len(l)>>1], l[-1])
l1, l2 = [], []
for n in l:
(l1 if n < m else \
(l2 if n > m else (l1 if len(l1) < len(l2) else l2))).append(n)
return quick_sort(l1) + quick_sort(l2)
Order statistics - Verification - Complexity:
def split(l: list, x: float) -> tuple:
""" Splits the list by a particular value x. """
left, mid, right = [], [], []
for v in l:
(left if v < x else (right if v > x else mid)).append(v)
return left, mid, right
def median(l: list) -> float:
""" Returns the upper median of l, via a sort. """
return sorted(l)[len(l)//2]
def select(l: list, i: int) -> float:
""" Returns sorted(l)[i] in O(n) with median of medians as a pivot. """
if len(l) == 1: # base case
return l[0]
medians = [median(l[5*i: 5*(i + 1)]) for i in range(-(-len(l)//5))]
left, mid, right = split(l, select(medians, len(medians)//2))
k, m = len(left), len(mid)
if k <= i <= k + m - 1: # pivot is the answer
return mid[0]
# recur on sublist and get rid of pivot
return select(left, i) if i < k else select(right, i - k - m)
Monotonic Queue - Verification - Complexity:
class MinStack:
""" O(1) append O(1) pop O(1) min query. """
def __init__(self, f=min):
self.stk, self.f = [], f
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self.stk)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"stack({self.stk})"
def append(self, val):
(val, self.f(val, self.stk[-1][1]) if len(self.stk) > 0 else val)
def pop(self):
return self.stk.pop()
def min(self):
if len(self.stk) > 0:
return self.stk[-1][1]
raise ValueError("min() arg is an empty sequence")
class MinQueue:
O(1) append O(1) pop O(1) min
Implemented via two min-stacks.
def __init__(self, f=min):
self.instk, self.outstk = MinStack(f), MinStack(f)
self.f = f
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self.instk) + len(self.outstk)
def __iter__(self) -> "MinQueue":
self.i, self.l = 0, 0
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.l == 2:
raise StopIteration
l = [self.outstk.stk, self.instk.stk][self.l]
if self.i == len(l):
self.l += 1
self.i = 0
return self.__next__()
v = l[len(l) - 1 - self.i] if self.l == 0 else l[self.i]
self.i += 1
return v[0]
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"queue({[x for x in self]})"
def append(self, val) -> None:
def popleft(self):
if len(self.outstk) == 0:
while len(self.instk) != 0:
return self.outstk.pop()
def appendleft(self, val) -> None:
def min(self):
if len(self.instk) != 0 and len(self.outstk) != 0:
return self.f(self.instk.min(), self.outstk.min())
elif len(self.instk) == 0:
return self.outstk.min()
elif len(self.outstk) == 0:
return self.instk.min()
raise ValueError("min() arg is an empty sequence")
Fischer-Heun - Verification: SPOJ RMQSQ - Complexity: <O(n), O(1)>
import math
def cartesian_number(l: list) -> int:
""" Returns the Cartesian number for a given list. """
stk = []
num = 0
for i in range(len(l)):
while len(stk) > 0 and stk[-1] > l[i]:
num <<= 1
num <<= 1
num |= 1
return num << (2*len(l) - msb(num) - 1)
def msb(n: int) -> int:
""" Returns the index of the most significant bit of n. """
return n.bit_length() - 1
def sparse_table(l: list) -> list:
""" Computes a sparse table (think 2^n jump pointers) """
n, m = len(l), math.ceil(math.log2(len(l)))
dp = [[] for i in range(n)]
for i in range(n):
k = 1
for j in range(m):
for i in range(n):
if i + k >= n or j >= len(dp[i + k]):
# min with lambdas is REALLY slow
# dp[i].append(min(dp[i][j], dp[i + k][j], key=lambda x: l[x]))
dp[i][j] if l[dp[i][j]] <= l[dp[i + k][j]] else dp[i + k][j]
k <<= 1
return dp
def sparse_rmq(l: list, table: list, i: int, j: int) -> int:
""" Returns the index of the minimum element between i and j. """
k = msb(j - i + 1)
# return min(table[i][k], table[j - (1 << k) + 1][k], key=lambda x: l[x])
return table[i][k] if l[table[i][k]] < l[table[j - (1 << k) + 1][k]] else \
table[j - (1 << k) + 1][k]
def full_table(l: list) -> list:
""" Computes all possible ranges. """
n = len(l)
dp = [[] for i in range(n)]
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
for i in range(n - 1):
if i + j >= n or j >= len(dp[i + 1]):
# dp[i].append(min(dp[i][j], dp[i + 1][j], key=lambda x: l[x]))
dp[i][j] if l[dp[i][j]] <= l[dp[i + 1][j]] else dp[i + 1][j]
return dp
def full_rmq(table: list, i: int, j: int) -> int:
""" O(1) RMQ. """
return table[i][j - i]
def fischer_heun(l: list) -> tuple:
""" Constructs the structure in O(n). """
b = max(int(math.log2(len(l))) >> 1, 1) # k = 1, not k = 1/2 (>> 2 for 1/2)
blocks = [l[i: i + b] for i in range(0, len(l), b)]
a = [min(block) for block in blocks]
indexes = [min(range(i, min(i + b, len(l))), key=lambda x: l[x])
for i in range(0, len(l), b)]
table = sparse_table(a)
ids = [cartesian_number(block) for block in blocks]
tables = {}
for i, block in enumerate(blocks):
if ids[i] not in tables:
tables[ids[i]] = full_table(block)
return b, a, indexes, ids, table, tables
def rmq(o: list, b: int, a: list, indexes: list, ids: list,
table: list, tables: list, i: int, j: int) -> int:
""" O(1) RMQ. """
if i > j:
i, j = j, i
l, r = i//b, j//b # block indexes
li, ri = i - l*b, j - r*b # index in the block
# in same block
if l == r:
return b*l + full_rmq(tables[ids[l]], li, ri)
i1 = b*l + full_rmq(tables[ids[l]], li, b - 1)
i2 = indexes[sparse_rmq(a, table, l + 1, r - 1)] if r - 1 >= l + 1 else -1
i3 = b*r + full_rmq(tables[ids[r]], 0, ri)
v = i1 if o[i1] < o[i3] else i3
return v if i2 == -1 or o[v] < o[i2] else i2
Binary Indexed Trees - Verification - Complexity: construction, query
class BIT:
def __init__(self, n) -> None:
if isinstance(n, list):
self.l = [0]*(len(n) + 1)
for i in range(len(n)):
self.update(i, n[i])
self.l = [0]*(n + 1)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return str(self.l)
def query(self, i: int) -> float:
""" sum of elements up to (and including) i """
i += 1
ans = 0
while i > 0:
ans += self.l[i]
i -= (i & -i)
return ans
def range(self, i: int, j: int) -> float:
""" sum of elements between i and j, inclusive on both ends """
return self.query(j) - (self.query(i - 1) if i > 0 else 0)
def update(self, i: int, v: float) -> None:
i += 1
while i < len(self.l):
self.l[i] += v
i += (i & -i)
class RBIT:
""" BITs with range update. """
def __init__(self, n) -> None:
p = len(n) if isinstance(n, list) else n
self.t1, self.t2 = BIT(p), BIT(p)
if isinstance(n, list):
for i in range(p):
self.update(i, i, n[i])
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.t1} {self.t2}"
def query(self, i: int) -> float:
return i*self.t1.query(i) + self.t2.query(i)
def range(self, i: int, j: int) -> float:
return self.query(j) - (self.query(i - 1) if i > 0 else 0)
def update(self, i: int, j: int, v: float) -> None:
self.t1.update(i, v)
self.t1.update(j + 1, -v)
self.t2.update(i, -(i - 1)*v)
self.t2.update(j + 1, j*v)
Segment Tree - Verification - Complexity: construction, query
class SegTree:
def __init__(self, n) -> None:
if isinstance(n, list):
self.l = [0]*(len(n)<<2), 1, 0, len(n) - 1)
self.n = len(n)
self.l = [0]*(n<<2)
self.n = n
self.lazy = [0]*(self.n<<2)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return str(self.l)
def build(self, a: list, p: int, l: int, r: int) -> None:
# leaf
if l == r:
self.l[p] = a[l]
pl, pr = p<<1, p<<1|1
m = (l + r)>>1, pl, l, m), pr, m + 1, r)
self.l[p] = self.l[pl] + self.l[pr]
def push(self, p: int, l: int, r: int):
""" Propagate lazy values """
pl, pr = p<<1, p<<1|1
# update the actual value proportional
# to the number of elements in the range
self.l[p] += (r - l + 1)*self.lazy[p]
# not leaf
if l != r:
self.lazy[pl] += self.lazy[p]
self.lazy[pr] += self.lazy[p]
self.lazy[p] = 0
def query(self, i: int, j: int) -> float:
return self.subquery(i, j, 1, 0, self.n - 1)
def subquery(self, i: int, j: int, p: int, l: int, r: int) -> float:
# segment outside query
if i > r or j < l:
return 0
self.push(p, l, r)
# segment inside query
if i <= l and r <= j:
return self.l[p]
# partial
pl, pr = p<<1, p<<1|1
m = (l + r)>>1
vl = self.subquery(i, j, pl, l, m)
vr = self.subquery(i, j, pr, m + 1, r)
return (vl + vr)
def update(self, i: int, j: int, v: float) -> None:
self.subupdate(i, j, 1, 0, self.n - 1, v)
def subupdate(self, i: int, j: int, p: int,
l: int, r: int, v: float) -> None:
if i > r or j < l:
self.push(p, l, r)
if i <= l and r <= j:
self.lazy[p] += v
self.push(p, l, r)
pl, pr = p<<1, p<<1|1
m = (l + r)>>1
self.subupdate(i, j, pl, l, m, v)
self.subupdate(i, j, pr, m + 1, r, v)
self.l[p] = self.l[pl] + self.l[pr]
AVL Tree - Verification - Complexity: construction, query
class Node:
def __init__(self, key, value=None, parent=None, left=None, right=None):
self.key = key
self.value = value
self.parent = parent
self.child = [left, right]
self.balance = 0
self.height = 1
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.key}:{self.value}:{self.balance}" \
if self.value is not None else str(self.key)
def extrema(self, i: int):
n = self
while n.child[i] is not None:
n = n.child[i]
return n
def min(self): return self.extrema(0)
def max(self): return self.extrema(1)
class BST:
def __init__(self):
self.root = None
def __str__(self, n=None, s="", d=0) -> str:
if d == 0: n = self.root
if n is None: return s
s = self.__str__(n.child[0], s, d + 1)
s += " "*4*d + str(n) + "\n"
s = self.__str__(n.child[1], s, d + 1)
return s
def __len__(self) -> int:
# future: OS tree (302 in introduction to algorithms)
return 0 if self.root is None else 1
def min(self): return self.root.min()
def max(self): return self.root.max()
def add(self, key, value=None):
if self.root is None:
self.root = Node(key, value)
self.subadd(key, value, self.root)
n = self.find(key, value)
def find(self, key, value=None):
return self.subfind(key, value, self.root)
def contains(self, key, value=None) -> bool:
return self.find(key, value) is not None
def delete(self, key, value=None):
n = self.find(key, value)
# leaf node
if n.child[0] is None and n.child[1] is None:
# root node
if n.parent is None:
self.root = None
self.set_children(n.parent, n.key, None)
to_trace = n.parent
elif n.child[0] is None:
if n.parent is None:
self.root = n.child[1]
self.root.parent = None
self.set_children(n.parent, n.key, n.child[1])
to_trace = n.child[1]
elif n.child[1] is None:
if n.parent is None:
self.root = n.child[0]
self.root.parent = None
self.set_children(n.parent, n.key, n.child[0])
to_trace = n.child[0]
# two children
temp = n.child[0].max()
n.key, n.value = temp.key, temp.value
self.set_children(temp.parent, temp.key, temp.child[0])
if temp.child[0] is not None:
def update(self, key, value, new):
self.delete(key, value)
self.add(new, value)
def pop(self):
n = self.min()
self.delete(n.key, n.value)
return n.key, n.value
def set_children(self, n, key, value):
n.child[key > n.key] = value
if value is not None:
value.parent = n
def subadd(self, key, value, n):
if n.child[key > n.key] is None:
n.child[key > n.key] = Node(key, value, n)
self.subadd(key, value, n.child[key > n.key])
def subfind(self, key, value, n):
if key == n.key and value == n.value:
return n
if n.child[key > n.key] is None:
return None
return self.subfind(key, value, n.child[key > n.key])
def trace_heights(self, n):
while n is not None:
n = n.parent
def update_height(self, n):
left = n.child[0].height if n.child[0] is not None else 0
right = n.child[1].height if n.child[1] is not None else 0
n.height = max(left, right) + 1
n.balance = right - left
def trace(self, n):
while n.parent is not None:
p = n.parent
# right child
if n.key > p.key:
if p.balance == 2:
(self.rotate_right_left if n.balance < 0 else \
self.rotate_left)(p, n)
if p.balance == -2:
(self.rotate_left_right if n.balance > 0 else \
self.rotate_right)(p, n)
n = p
def rotate(self, p, n, d):
c = n.child[d]
p.child[d ^ 1] = c
if c is not None:
c.parent = p
n.child[d] = p
n.parent = p.parent
if p.parent is not None:
p.parent.child[p.key > p.parent.key] = n
self.root = n
p.parent = n
# order matters: update from the bottom up
return n
def rotate_left(self, p, n): return self.rotate(p, n, 0)
def rotate_right(self, p, n): return self.rotate(p, n, 1)
def rotate_left_right(self, p, n):
return self.rotate_right(p, self.rotate_left(n, n.child[1]))
def rotate_right_left(self, p, n):
return self.rotate_left(p, self.rotate_right(n, n.child[0]))
Cartesian Tree - Verification: SPOJ RMQSQ - Complexity:
class CartesianTree:
def __init__(self, key, parent=None, left=None, right=None):
self.key = key
self.parent = parent
self.child = [left, right]
def __str__(self, n=None, s="", d=0) -> str:
if d == 0: n = self
if n is None: return s
s = self.__str__(n.child[0], s, d + 1)
s += " "*4*d + str(n.key) + "\n"
s = self.__str__(n.child[1], s, d + 1)
return s
def cartesian_tree(l: list) -> CartesianTree:
""" Constructs a Cartesian tree for a given list in O(n). """
stk = []
for i in range(len(l)):
c = None
while len(stk) > 0 and stk[-1].key > l[i]:
c = stk.pop()
stk.append(CartesianTree(l[i], stk[-1] if len(stk) > 0 else None, c))
# add right child
if len(stk) > 1:
stk[-2].child[1] = stk[-1]
return stk[0]
kd-Tree - Verification - Complexity:
nearest neighbor query
### median selection
def select_split(l: list, x: float) -> tuple:
""" Splits the list by a particular value x. """
left, mid, right = [], [], []
for v in l:
(left if v < x else (right if v > x else mid)).append(v)
return left, mid, right
def median(l: list) -> float:
""" Returns the upper median of l, via a sort. """
return sorted(l)[len(l)//2]
def select(l: list, i: int) -> float:
""" Returns sorted(l)[i] in O(n) with median of medians as a pivot. """
if len(l) == 1: # base case
return l[0]
medians = [median(l[5*i: 5*(i + 1)]) for i in range(-(-len(l)//5))]
left, mid, right = select_split(l, select(medians, len(medians)//2))
k, m = len(left), len(mid)
if k <= i <= k + m - 1: # pivot is the answer
return mid[0]
# recur on sublist and get rid of pivot
return select(left, i) if i < k else select(right, i - k - m)
def split_median(points: list, cd: int) -> tuple:
""" Picks the point which is the median along the dimension cd. """
m = select([point[cd] for point in points], len(points)//2)
for i in range(len(points)):
if points[i][cd] == m: # pick any point with value m
return points[i], points[:i] + points[i + 1:]
### helper methods
def dist(p1: tuple, p2: tuple) -> float:
""" Squared distance between two points."""
return sum((p1[i] - p2[i])*(p1[i] - p2[i]) for i in range(len(p1)))
def closest(points: list, q: tuple) -> tuple:
""" Returns the point closest to q in points (nearest neighbor query). """
return min(points, key=lambda p: dist(p, q))
def distbb(p: tuple, bb: list) -> float:
""" Squared distance between a point and a bounding box. """
# three cases, use x if x is in the box, otherwise one of the bounds
bbp = tuple(box[0] if x < box[0] else (box[1] if x > box[1] else x)
for x, box in zip(p, bb))
return dist(p, bbp)
def trimbb(bb: list, cd: int, p: int, d: int) -> list:
""" Trims the bounding box by the plane x_cd = p[cd]. """
if len(bb) == 0: return bb
bb = list(list(box) for box in bb) # copy
bb[cd][1 - d] = p[cd] # update, assuming p[cd] is valid
return bb
### kd-tree
def split(points: list, cd: int, p: int) -> tuple:
""" Splits the list of points by the plane x_cd = p[cd]. """
left, right = [], []
for point in points:
# add point with the same value as p at cd to the right side
(left if point[cd] < p[cd] else right).append(point)
return left, right
class kdNode:
""" kd-tree node. """
def __init__(self, point: tuple=None, cd: int=0) -> None:
self.child, self.point,, = [None, None], point, cd, []
self.D, self.tight_bb = len(point) if point is not None else 0, False
def __str__(self, n: "kdNode"=None, d: int=0) -> str:
""" Fancy string representation. """
if d == 0: n = self # called with None by defualt, set to the root
if n is None: return [] # leaf node
s = [f"{' '*4*d}{n.point}"]
s += self.__str__(n.child[0], d + 1)
s += self.__str__(n.child[1], d + 1)
return "\n".join(s) if d == 0 else s
def dir(self, p: tuple) -> int:
""" Gets the proper left/right child depending on the point. """
return p[] >= self.point[]
def tighten(self, t: "KdNode"=None) -> None:
""" Tighten bounding boxes in O(nd). """
if t is None: t = self # called with None, set to the root
l, r, t.tight_bb = t.child[0], t.child[1], True
# recur on children
if l is not None: self.tighten(l)
if r is not None: self.tighten(r)
if l is None and r is None: # leaf node, box is just the singular point = [(t.point[d], t.point[d]) for d in range(t.D)]
elif l is None or r is None: # one child, inherit box of child = if l is not None else = [(min(box[0], v), max(box[1], v)) # add node's point
for box, v in zip(, t.point)]
else: # two children, combine boxes = [(min(bbl[0], bbr[0], v), max(bbl[1], bbr[1], v))
for bbl, bbr, v in zip(,, t.point)]
def __add(self, t: "kdNode", p: tuple, parent: "kdNode"=None) -> None:
""" Insert the given point into the tree. """
if t is None: # found leaf to insert new node in
t = kdNode(p, ( + 1) % parent.D)
elif t.point == p: # ignore duplicates
return t
else: # update pointers
t.child[t.dir(p)] = self.__add(t.child[t.dir(p)], p, t)
t.tight_bb = False # no longer use tight bounding boxes
# is it worth O(d log n) instead of O(log n) for tighter boxes?
# if so, manually update over each of the d dimensions
return t
def add(self, p: tuple) -> None:
""" Wrapper over the recursive helper function __add. """
if self.point is None: # empty tree, simply change our own point
self.__add(self, p)
def __closest(self, t: "kdNode", p: tuple, curr_bb: list) -> tuple:
""" Returns the closest point to p in the tree (nearest neighbor). """
# all points in this bounding box farther than existing point
bb = if t is not None and t.tight_bb else curr_bb
if t is None or distbb(p, bb) > self.best_dist:
# update best point
d = dist(p, t.point)
if d < self.best_dist:, self.best_dist = t.point, d
# visit subtrees in order of distance from p
i, j = t.dir(p), 1 - t.dir(p)
self.__closest(t.child[i], p, trimbb(curr_bb,, t.point, i))
self.__closest(t.child[j], p, trimbb(curr_bb,, t.point, j))
def closest(self, p: tuple) -> tuple:
""" Wrapper over the recursive helper function __closest. """, self.best_dist = None, float("inf")
bb = [[-float("inf"), float("inf")] for d in range(len(p))]
self.__closest(self, p, [] if self.tight_bb else bb)
def nnsearch(self, p: tuple, r: float) -> tuple:
""" Finds the points that are within a radius of r from p. """
l = []
h = [(0, self)]
while len(h) > 0:
d, n = heapq.heappop(h)
if d > r*r: # stop processing if out of circle
return l
if is_leaf(n):
for child in n.child + [kdNode(n.point)]:
if child is not None:
d = dist(p, child.point) if is_leaf(child) else \
heapq.heappush(h, (d, child))
return l
class kdTree(kdNode):
""" Thin wrapper over a kd-node to build a tree from a list of points. """
def __init__(self, points: list=[]) -> None:
if len(points) > 0:
# no need for duplicate points
self.__build_tree(self, list(set(points)))
def __build_tree(self, t: kdNode, points: list, cd: int=0) -> kdNode:
""" Constructs a kd-tree in O(n log n). """
N, D, = len(points), len(points[0]), cd
t.point, points = split_median(points, cd) # median
t.D, next_cd = D, (cd + 1) % D
t.child = [self.__build_tree(kdNode(), l, next_cd) if len(l) > 0
else None for l in split(points, cd, t.point)]
return t
1D Prefix Sums - Verification - Complexity:
def query(i, j):
return prefix[j + 1] - prefix[i]
prefix = [0]*(N + 1)
for i in range(N):
prefix[i + 1] = prefix[i] + a[i]
2D Prefix Sums - Verification - Complexity:
def query(prefix, x1, y1, x2, y2):
return prefix[x2 + 1][y2 + 1] - prefix[x2 + 1][y1] - prefix[x1][y2 + 1] + \
prefix = [[0]*(M + 1) for i in range(N + 1)]
for i in range(1, len(prefix)):
for j in range(1, len(prefix[0])):
prefix[i][j] = prefix[i - 1][j] + m[i - 1][j - 1]
for i in range(len(prefix)):
for j in range(1, len(prefix[0])):
prefix[i][j] = prefix[i][j - 1]
Helper methods
def dist(p1: tuple, p2: tuple) -> float:
""" Squared l2 distance between the points p1 and p2. """
(x1, y1), (x2, y2) = p1, p2
return ((x1 - x2)*(x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2)*(y1 - y2))
def ccw(p1: tuple, p2: tuple, p3: tuple) -> bool:
""" Whether (p1, p2, p3) forms a counterclockwise turn.
> 0 counterclockwise, = 0 collinear, and < 0 clockwise. """
(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3) = p1, p2, p3
# this is reasonably numerically stable, no need to check > EPS
return (x2 - x1)*(y3 - y1) - (y2 - y1)*(x3 - x1)
Closest pair - Verification: CV - Complexity:
def slow_closest_pair(points: list) -> tuple:
best = float("inf")
for i in range(len(points)):
for j in range(i + 1, len(points)):
if dist(points[i], points[j]) < best:
best, p1, p2 = dist(points[i], points[j]), points[i], points[j]
return p1, p2
def divide(points: list, x: float) -> tuple:
return [p for p in points if p[0] <= x], [p for p in points if p[0] > x]
def recur_closest_pair(points: list, X: list, Y: list) -> tuple:
if len(points) <= 3:
return slow_closest_pair(points)
mid = len(X)//2
x = (X[mid][0] + X[mid - 1][0])/2 if len(X) % 2 == 0 else X[mid][0]
pointsl, pointsr = divide(points, x)
Xl, Xr = divide(X, x)
Yl, Yr = divide(Y, x)
l1, l2 = recur_closest_pair(pointsl, Xl, Yl)
r1, r2 = recur_closest_pair(pointsr, Xr, Yr)
dl, dr = dist(l1, l2), dist(*r1, *r2)
d = min(dl, dr)
dp = float("inf")
Yp = [p for p in Y if x - d <= p[0] <= x + d]
for i in range(len(Yp)):
for j in range(i + 1, min(i + 8, len(Yp))):
if dist(Yp[i], Yp[j]) < dp:
dp, m1, m2 = dist(Yp[i], Yp[j]), Yp[i], Yp[j]
if dp < d:
return m1, m2
return (l1, l2) if dl < dr else (r1, r2)
def closest_pair(points: list) -> tuple:
return recur_closest_pair(points,
sorted(points, key=lambda p: p[0]),
sorted(points, key=lambda p: p[1]))
Graham scan, specifically Andrew's Monotone Chain - Verification: Kattis convexhull - Complexity:
def convex_hull(points: list) -> list:
""" Finds the convex hull of the point list. """
points = sorted(set(points))
if len(points) <= 1:
return points
final = []
for half in range(2):
hull = []
for p in points:
while len(hull) > 1 and ccw(hull[-2], hull[-1], p) <= 0:
final += hull[:-1]
points = points[::-1]
return final
def rc(i): return i//N, i % N
def is_valid(i, j): return 0 <= i < M and 0 <= j < N
def get_children(i, j):
return [child for child in [(i + 1, j), (i - 1, j), (i, j + 1), (i, j - 1)]
if is_valid(*child)]