Stephen Huan

Algorithms for competitive programming

  ·  # cs
  1. Basics
    1. Input
  2. Numerical Algorithms
    1. Number Theory
    2. Binary
    3. Matrices
    4. Linear Programming
    5. Fast Fourier Transform
  3. Strings
    1. Suffix Structures
    2. Matching
  4. Dynamic Programming
    1. Memoization
  5. Graph Algorithms
    1. Traversals
    2. Shortest Path
    3. Union-find
    4. Minimum Spanning Tree
    5. Connected Components
    6. Tree
    7. Flow
  6. Sorting
  7. Data Structures
    1. Monotonic Query
    2. Range Minimum Query
    3. Trees
    4. Prefix Sums
  8. Computational Geometry
    1. Closest Pair
    2. Convex Hull
  9. Ad-hoc
    1. Grid BFS Problems


Running: python.

Profiling: python -m cProfile -s tottime.

Fast execution: pypy.



import sys
input = lambda: sys.stdin.readline()[:-1] # fast cin

with open("") as f:
    N = int(f.readline())
    N, M = map(int, f.readline().split())
    l = list(map(int, f.readline().split()))
    m = [list(map(int, line.split())) for line in f]

with open("test.out", "w") as f:
    f.write(str(ans) + "\n")

Fast input/output

Verification: SPOJ INTEST, SPOJ INOUTEST, testing with timeit

import sys
input = sys.stdin.readline # fast cin

__lines, __print = [], print
print = lambda s: __lines.append(s) # fast cout
cout = lambda: __print("\n".join(map(str, __lines)))


import sys
input = sys.stdin.readline # fast cin

N = int(input())
l = list(map(int, input().split()))


graph = {i: [] for i in range(N)}
for i in range(N):
    a, b = map(lambda x: int(x) - 1, f.readline().split())
graph = {i: {} for i in range(N)}
for i in range(N):
    a, b, w = map(int, f.readline().split())
    a -= 1
    b -= 1
    # will overwrite if same edge is repeated - pick min edge (usually)
    if b not in graph[a] or w < graph[a][b]:
        graph[a][b] = w
    if a not in graph[b] or w < graph[b][a]:
        graph[b][a] = w

Numerical Algorithms

Number Theory

Euclidean algorithm - Verification - Complexity: O(logb) \mathcal{O}(\log b)

def gcd(a: int, b: int) -> int:
    while b != 0:
        a, b = b, a % b
    return a

def lcm(a: int, b: int) -> int: return (a//gcd(a, b))*b






def prime(n: int) -> bool:
    """ Checks whether a number is prime or not with trial divison. """
    if n == 1 or (n % 2 == 0 and n != 2):
        return False
    for i in range(3, int(n**0.5) + 1, 2):
        if n % i == 0:
            return False
    return True

Sieve of Eratosthenes - Verification - Complexity: O(nloglogn) \mathcal{O}(n \log \log n)

def sieve(n: int) -> list:
    """ Generates a look up table of primality up to n. """
    l = [True]*(n + 1)
    l[0] = l[1] = False
    for i in range(2, int(n**0.5) + 1):
        if l[i]:
            for j in range(i*i, len(l), i):
                l[j] = False
    return l
def primes(n: int) -> list:
    """ Return a list of all primes less than or equal to n. """
    s = sieve(n)
    return [i for i in range(n + 1) if s[i]]


# common
m = 1000000007

(a + b) % m == ((a % m) + (b % m)) % m
(a - b) % m == ((a % m) - (b % m)) % m
(a * b) % m == ((a % m) * (b % m)) % m

tl;dr spam modulo if the problem asks you to return the answer mod m.

If asking for count (which is often) must be 0 \geq 0

x if x >= 0 else x + m

Modular exponentiation - Verification - Complexity: O(loge) \mathcal{O}(\log e)

def mod_exp(b: int, e: int, m: int) -> int:
    """ Returns b^e % m """
    if m == 1: return 0
    rtn = 1
    b %= m
    while e > 0:
        # bit on in the binary representation of the exponent
        if e & 1 == 1:
            rtn = (rtn*b) % m
        e >>= 1
        b = (b*b) % m
    return rtn

Extended Euclidean algorithm - Verification - Complexity: O(logb) \mathcal{O}(\log b)

def extended_gcd(a: int, b: int) -> tuple:
    """ Returns (gcd(a, b), x, y) such that ax + by = gcd(a, b). """
    x, xp = 0, 1
    y, yp = 1, 0
    r, rp = b, a

    while r != 0:
        q = rp//r
        rp, r = r, rp - q*r
        xp, x = x, xp - q*x
        yp, y = y, yp - q*y

    return rp, xp, yp

Modular multiplicative inverse - Verification - Complexity: same as the Euclidean algorithm

def inv(x: int, m: int) -> int:
    """ Returns the inverse y such that xy mod m = 1. """
    return extended_gcd(x, m)[1] % m

(a/b) % m == (a*inv(b, m)) % m


def factor(n: int) -> list:
    """ Factors a number with trial division. """
    l = {1, n}
    for i in range(2, int(n**0.5) + 1):
        if n % i == 0:
    return list(l)

Prime Factorization - Verification - Complexity: O(x/logx) \mathcal{O}(\sqrt{x}/\log{x})

def prime_factor(n: int, primes: list) -> list:
    """ Prime factorizes a number, given a precomputed list of primes. """
    l = set()
    rt = int(n**0.5) + 1
    for p in primes:
        if p > rt:
        while n % p == 0:
            n = n//p
    if n != 1:
    return list(l)


Most Significant Bit - Verification - Complexity: Can be done in O(1) \mathcal{O}(1) with some work

def msb(n: int) -> int:
    """ Returns the index of the most significant bit of n. """
    return n.bit_length() - 1

Brian Kernighan's set bit count - Verification: Othello - Complexity: O(logx) \mathcal{O}(\log x)

def set_pos(x: int) -> list:
    """ Finds the number of 1's in a number. """
    l = []
    while x:
        xp = x & (x - 1)
        l.append((x - xp).bit_length() - 1)
        x = xp
    return l

Binary Counter - Verification - Complexity: amortized O(1) \mathcal{O}(1) over n n operations

def increment(c: int, m: int) -> int:
    """ Increments a binary counter. """
    i = 1
    l = 1 << m
    while i < l and c & i > 0:
        c ^= i
        i <<= 1
    if i < l:
        c ^= i
    return c


Miscellaneous operations

def dotp(u: list, v: list) -> float:
    """ Dot product. """
    return sum(u[i]*v[i] for i in range(len(u)))

def col(m: list, i: int) -> list:
    """ Column of a matrix. """
    return [m[j][i] for j in range(len(m))]

def mat_mult(a: list, b: list) -> list:
    """ Matrix multiplication. """
    return [[dotp(a[i], col(b, j)) for j in range(len(b[0]))]
            for i in range(len(a))]

def identity(n: int) -> list:
    """ Identity matrix of size n x n. """
    return [[int(i == j) for j in range(n)] for i in range(n)]

def print_mat(m: list) -> list:
    """ Pretty prints a matrix. """
    for row in m:

def mat_exp(A: list, k: int) -> list:
    """ Returns A^k. """
    v = identity(len(A))
    while k > 0:
        if k & 1 == 1:
            v = mat_mult(v, A)
        k >>= 1
        A = mat_mult(A, A)
    return v

Gauss–Jordan elimination - Verification: Google Foobar - Complexity: O(n3) \mathcal{O}(n^3)

def inv(m):
    """ Inverts a matrix. """
    N = len(m)
    # augment matrix with identity
    for i in range(N):
        m[i] += [F(i == j) for j in range(N)]

    for c in range(N):
        # get first nonzero entry
        pivot = [i for i in range(c, N) if m[i][c] != F(0)][0]
        m[c], m[pivot] = m[pivot], m[c]
        v = m[c][c]
        # set pivot value to 1
        for i in range(len(m[c])):
            m[c][i] /= v
        # make all zeros
        for r in range(N):
            if r != c:
                v = m[r][c]
                for i in range(len(m[r])):
                    m[r][i] -= v*m[c][i]

    return [row[N:] for row in m]

Linear Programming

Simplex Algorithm - Verification - Complexity: O(?) \mathcal{O}(?) (see smoothed analysis)

def list_dict(l: list) -> dict:
    """ Converts a list into a dictionary based off indexes. """
    return {i + 1: l[i] for i in range(len(l))}

def prog_dict(A, b, c, contypes, t, nonneg) -> tuple:
    Converts the easier list representation to a more general
    dictionary representation used by the simplex algorithm.
    return (
        {v + 1: {i + 1: A[v][i] for i in range(len(A[v]))}
         for v in range(len(A))
        list_dict(b), list_dict(c), list_dict(contypes),
        t, {x + 1 for x in nonneg}

def negated(d: dict) -> dict:
    """ Negates a row. """
    return {k: -v for k, v in d.items()}

def negate(l: list) -> list:
    """ Negates a row vector. """
    return [-x for x in l]

def general_standard(A, b, c, contypes, t, nonneg) -> tuple:
    """ Converts a general linear program into standard form. """
    # 1. The objective function is a minimization rather than a maximization
    if t == MIN:
        c = negate(c)
    # 2. Variables without nonnegativity constraints
    v = 0
    while v < len(c):
        if v not in nonneg:
            c.insert(v + 1, -c[v])
            for i in range(len(A)):
                A[i].insert(v + 1, -A[i][v])
            v += 1
        v += 1
    # 3. Replace equality constraints with inequalities
    tA, tb, tcontypes = [], [], []
    for i in range(len(A)):
        if contypes[i] == EQ:
            tA += [A[i]]*2
            tb += [b[i]]*2
            tcontypes += [LEQ, GEQ]
    A, b, contypes = tA, tb, tcontypes
    # 4. Replace greater than equal to with less than or equal to
    A = [negate(A[i]) if contypes[i] == GEQ else A[i] for i in range(len(A))]
    b = [-b[i] if contypes[i] == GEQ else b[i] for i in range(len(b))]

    return A, b, c

def standard_slack(A, b, c) -> tuple:
    """ Converts a linear program in standard form to one in slack form. """
    n = len(A[0]) + 1
    A = {i + n: list_dict(A[i]) for i in range(len(A))}
    return (set(range(1, n)), set(A.keys()), A,
            {i + n: b[i] for i in range(len(b))}, list_dict(c), 0)

def general_slack(prog) -> tuple:
    """ Converts a general linear program into slack form. """
    return standard_slack(*general_standard(*prog))

def pivot(N, B, A, b, c, v, l, e) -> tuple:
    """ Returns the new linear program after replacing x_l with x_e. """
    # Compute coefficients for the equation with the new basic variable x_e.
    bp, cp, Ap = {}, {}, {v: {} for v in B - {l} | {e}}
    bp[e] = b[l]/A[l][e]
    for j in N - {e}:
        Ap[e][j] = A[l][j]/A[l][e]
    Ap[e][l] = 1/A[l][e]
    # Compute coefficients of the remaining constraints.
    for i in B - {l}:
        bp[i] = b[i] - A[i][e]*bp[e]
        for j in N - {e}:
            Ap[i][j] = A[i][j] - A[i][e]*Ap[e][j]
        Ap[i][l] = -A[i][e]*Ap[e][l]
    # Compute objective function
    vp = v + c[e]*bp[e]
    for j in N - {e}:
        cp[j] = c[j] - c[e]*Ap[e][j]
    cp[l] = -c[e]*Ap[e][l]
    # Compute new sets of basic and nonbasic variables.
    Np = N - {e} | {l}
    Bp = B - {l} | {e}

    return Np, Bp, Ap, bp, cp, vp

def solve(N, B, A, b, c, v) -> tuple:
    Solves a linear program in slack form
    whose initial basic solution is feasible.
    while any(x > EPSILON for x in c.values()):
        # Bland's rule for both e and l
        e = sorted(i for i in N if c[i] > EPSILON)[0]
        l = min(B, key=lambda i:
                (b[i]/A[i][e] if A[i][e] > EPSILON else float("inf"), i)
        if A[l][e] <= EPSILON:
            return UNBOUNDED + "$"
        N, B, A, b, c, v = pivot(N, B, A, b, c, v, l, e)
    return (tuple(b.get(i, 0) for i in range(1, len(N) + 1)),
            v, (N, B, A, b, c, v))

def initialize_simplex(A, b, c) -> tuple:
    Determines whether or not a linear program is feasible, and if it
    is, returns a slack form whose initial basic solution is feasible.
    k = min(range(len(b)), key=lambda i: b[i])
    # initial basic solution feasible
    if b[k] >= EPSILON:
        return standard_slack(A, b, c)
    # objective function -x_0
    cp = {i: 0 for i in range(1, len(c) + 1)}
    cp[0] = -1
    N, B, A, b, c, v = standard_slack(A, b, c)
    # add -x_0 to each equation in the linear program
    for i in A:
        A[i][0] = -1
    N |= {0}
    N, B, A, b, cp, v = pivot(N, B, A, b, cp, v, len(N) + k, 0)
    x, v, (N, B, A, b, cp, v) = solve(N, B, A, b, cp, v)
    if abs(v) <= EPSILON:
        N -= {0}
        # remove x_0 from constraints
        for i in A:
            del A[i][0]
        # substitute to form objective function
        cp = {i: 0 for i in N}
        for i in c:
            if i in A:
                for j in A[i]:
                    cp[j] -= c[i]*A[i][j]
                v += c[i]*b[i]
                cp[i] += c[i]
        return N, B, A, b, cp, v
    return INFEASIBLE

def simplex(prog) -> tuple:
    """ Solves an arbitrary linear program in standard form. """
    slack = initialize_simplex(*prog)
    if slack == INFEASIBLE:
        return INFEASIBLE
    return solve(*slack)[:-1]

Fast Fourier Transform

Cooley–Tukey Recursive FFT - Verification - Complexity: O(nlogn) \mathcal{O}(n \log n)

import cmath, math

def recur_fft(a: list, inv: bool=False) -> list:
    """ Computes the DFT of a with recursion and complex roots of unity. """
    n = len(a)
    if n == 1:
        return a
    wn = cmath.exp((-1 if inv else 1)*2*cmath.pi*1j/n)
    w = 1
    y0, y1 = recur_fft(a[::2], inv), recur_fft(a[1::2], inv)
    y = [0]*n
    for k in range(n >> 1):
        t = w*y1[k]
        y[k] = y0[k] + t
        y[k + (n >> 1)] = y0[k] - t
        w *= wn
    return y

def inv_recur_fft(a: list) -> list:
    """ Computes the inverse DFT of a. """
    return [x/len(a) for x in recur_fft(a, True)]

Cooley–Tukey Iterative FFT - Verification - Complexity: O(nlogn) \mathcal{O}(n \log n)

def rev_increment(c: int, m: int) -> int:
    """ Increments a reverse binary counter. """
    i = 1 << (m - 1)
    while c & i > 0:
        c ^= i
        i >>= 1
    return c ^ i

def bit_rev_copy(a: list) -> list:
    """ Constructs an initial order from a by reversing the bits of the index. """
    n, m = len(a), len(a).bit_length() - 1
    A = [0]*n
    c = 0
    for i in range(n):
        A[c] = a[i]
        c = rev_increment(c, m)
    return A

def iter_fft(a: list, inv: bool=False) -> list:
    """ Computes the DFT iteratively. """
    n = len(a)
    A = bit_rev_copy(a)
    for s in range(1, n.bit_length()):
        m = 1 << s
        wm = cmath.exp((-1 if inv else 1)*2*cmath.pi*1j/m)
        for k in range(0, n, m):
            w = 1
            for j in range(m >> 1):
                t = w*A[k + j + (m >> 1)]
                u = A[k + j]
                A[k + j] = u + t
                A[k + j + (m >> 1)] = u - t
                w *= wm
    return A

def inv_iter_fft(a: list) -> list:
    """ Computes the inverse DFT of a. """
    return [x/len(a) for x in iter_fft(a, True)]

Readings for the following number theoretic FFT algorithms:

Iterative FFT with modulo (NTT) - Verification: SPOJ MAXMATCH - Complexity: O(n log n)

def find_kp(n: int) -> tuple:
    Finds the smallest k such that p = kn + 1 is prime.
    pi(n) = n/log n, so the probability of a random number
    being prime is 1/log n, expect to try log n numbers
    until finding a prime - expected O((sqrt n)(log n)).
    k, p = 1, n + 1
    while not prime(p):
        k += 1
        p += n
    return k, p

def find_generator(n: int, k: int, p: int) -> int:
    Euler's totient function phi(n) gives the
    order of a modulo multiplicative group mod p.
    phi(p) = p - 1 = kn
    prime factors of kn are 2, maybe k
    expected O(log^8 ish n)
    prime_factors = [2] + ([k] if prime(k) else [])
    for i in range(p):
        # coprime and thus in the group
        if gcd(i, p) == 1:
            if all(mod_exp(i, k*n//factor, p) != 1
                   for factor in prime_factors):
                return i

def find_wp(n: int) -> tuple:
    Returns w, the principal nth root of unity
    and p, the prime determining the mod.
    k, p = find_kp(n)
    g = find_generator(n, k, p)
    return mod_exp(g, k, p), p

def get_w(w: int, N: int, n: int, p: int) -> int:
    """ Returns w, the principal nth root of unity for n. """
    return mod_exp(w, 1 << (N - n + 1), p)

def int_fft(a: list, wn: int, p: int) -> list:
    """ Compute the DFT iteratively with modulo instead of complex numbers. """
    n, lgn = len(a), len(a).bit_length()
    A = bit_rev_copy(a)
    for s in range(1, lgn):
        m = 1 << s
        wm = mod_exp(wn, 1 << (lgn - s - 1), p)
        for k in range(0, n, m):
            w = 1
            for j in range(m >> 1):
                t = w*A[k + j + (m >> 1)]
                u = A[k + j]
                A[k + j] = (u + t) % p
                A[k + j + (m >> 1)] = (u - t) % p
                w = (w*wm) % p
    return A

def inv_int_fft(a: list, wn: int, p: int) -> list:
    """ Computes the inverse DFT of a. """
    wn, n1 = inv(wn, p), inv(len(a), p)
    return [(x*n1) % p for x in int_fft(a, wn, p)]

Recursive FFT with modulo (NTT) - Verification - Complexity: O(nlogn) \mathcal{O}(n \log n)

def recur_int_fft(a: list, wn: int, p: int) -> list:
    """ Computes the DFT of a with recursion and modulo. """
    n = len(a)
    if n == 1:
        return a
    w = 1
    y0, y1 = int_fft(a[::2], (wn*wn) % p, p), int_fft(a[1::2], (wn*wn) % p, p)
    y = [0]*n
    for k in range(n >> 1):
        t = (w*y1[k]) % p
        y[k] = (y0[k] + t) % p
        y[k + (n >> 1)] = (y0[k] - t) % p
        w = (w*wn) % p
    return y

Polynomial Multiplication with the FFT - Verification: SPOJ POLYMUL - Complexity: O(nlogn) \mathcal{O}(n \log n)

Note: make sure p p is bigger than m2n m^2 n , where m m is the biggest number in the array and n n is the length of the array.

def mirror(a: list) -> list:
    Mirrors a such that the resulting list has a length which is a power of 2.
    n, np = len(a), 1 << math.ceil(math.log2(len(a)))
    a += [0]*(np - n)
    # for i in range(np - n):
    #     a[n + i] = a[n - i - 2]
    return a

def poly_mult(a: list, b: list, w: int, p: int) -> list:
    """ Multiplies two polynomials via the modular FFT. """
    m = len(a) + len(b) - 1
    n = max(len(a), len(b))
    # make both lists the same size and degree bound 2n instead of n
    ap = mirror(a + [0]*(n - len(a)) + [0]*n)
    bp = mirror(b + [0]*(n - len(b)) + [0]*n)
    w = get_w(w, N, len(ap).bit_length(), p)
    ap, bp = int_fft(ap, w, p), int_fft(bp, w, p)
    return inv_int_fft([ap[i]*bp[i] for i in range(len(ap))], w, p)[:m]

def ntt_sign(l: list, p: int) -> list:
    """ Assumes that substantial numbers are signed and therefore negative. """
    return [x if x < (p >> 1) else x - p for x in l]

if __name__ == "__main__":
    N = 20
    w, p = find_wp(1 << N)

2D Convolution - Verification - Complexity: O(nmlognm) \mathcal{O}(nm \log{nm})

def flatten(m: list, pad=0) -> list:
    """ Flattens a matrix into a list. """
    return [x for row in m for x in row + [0]*pad]

def reshape(l: list, m: int, n: int) -> list:
    """ Shapes a list into a M x N matrix."""
    return [[l[r*n + c] for c in range(n)] for r in range(m)]

def conv(h: list, x: list):
    """ Computes the 2D convolution. """
    M, N, H, W = len(x), len(x[0]), len(h), len(h[0])
    # need to pad the columns to the final size
    h, x = flatten(h, N - 1), flatten(x, W - 1)
    return reshape(fft(h, x), M + H - 1, N + W - 1)

def prune(h: list, x: list) -> list:
    """ Prunes a convolution for the specific K x K filter case. """
    m, k = conv(h, x), min(len(h), len(x))
    pad = (k - 1)>>1
    return [row[pad:-pad] for row in m[pad:-pad]]


Suffix Structures

Suffix Array

Reference paper: Linear Suffix Array Construction by Almost Pure Induced-Sorting.

Suffix Array by Induced Sorting - Verification: SPOJ SARRAY - Complexity: O(m) \mathcal{O}(m)

def lms_block(s: list, t: list, i: int) -> str:
    """ Label each character of s with L (False) or S (True). """
    j, l = i + 1, False
    while j < len(s) and not (l and t[j]):
        if not t[j]:
            l = True
        j += 1
    return s[i:j]

def induced_sort(s: list, t: list, blocks: list=None) -> list:
    """ Induced sort of s. """
    n = len(s)
    c = {}
    for i in range(n):
        c[s[i]] = c.get(s[i], 0) + 1

    # modified bucket sort -
    # the size of the alphabet is bounded by the length of the string
    order = [i for i in range(min(c), max(c) + 1) if i in c]
    b = {order[0]: [0, c[order[0]] - 1]}
    for i in range(1, len(order)):
        b[order[i]] = [b[order[i - 1]][1] + 1,
                       b[order[i - 1]][1] + c[order[i]]]

    sa = [-1]*n
    if blocks is None:
        for i in range(n - 1, 0, -1):
            # LMS index
            if not t[i - 1] and t[i]:
                sa[b[s[i]][1]] = i
                b[s[i]][1] -= 1

    # given sorted order from recursive call
        for i in reversed(blocks):
            sa[b[s[i]][1]] = i
            b[s[i]][1] -= 1

    # put L types from the front
    for i in range(n):
        j = sa[i] - 1
        if sa[i] > 0 and not t[j]:
            sa[b[s[j]][0]] = j
            b[s[j]][0] += 1

    # reset right borders
    for i in range(1, len(order)):
        b[order[i]] = [b[order[i]][0],
                       c[order[i]] + (b[order[i - 1]][1] if i > 0 else -1)]

    # put S types from the back
    for i in range(n - 1, -1, -1):
        j = sa[i] - 1
        if sa[i] > 0 and t[j]:
            sa[b[s[j]][1]] = j
            b[s[j]][1] -= 1

    return sa

def suffix_array(s: list) -> list:
    """ Construct the suffix array for the string s. """
    # convert a string to an array of integer ordinal values
    if isinstance(s, str):
        s = list(map(ord, s))

    n = len(s)
    # True is "S" type and "L" is False
    t = [True]*n
    for i in range(n - 2, -1, -1):
        if s[i] < s[i + 1]:
            t[i] = True
        elif s[i] > s[i + 1]:
            t[i] = False
            t[i] = t[i + 1]

    sa = induced_sort(s, t)

    # LMS blocks
    blocks = [sa[i] for i in range(n)
              if sa[i] > 0 and t[sa[i]] and not t[sa[i] - 1]]

    # name blocks
    names = {}
    for i in range(len(blocks)):
        names[blocks[i]] = names.get(blocks[i - 1], -1) + \
            (i == 0 or \
             lms_block(s, t, blocks[i]) != lms_block(s, t, blocks[i - 1])
    blocks = [i for i in range(n) if i in names]

    # reduced list guaranteed to be < n/2 of the original
    reduced = [names[block] for block in blocks]

    # all distinct characters - base case
    m = len(reduced)
    if len(set(reduced)) == m:
        sa1 = [0]*(m + 1)
        for i in range(m):
            sa1[reduced[i] + 1] = i
        sa1 = suffix_array(reduced + [-1])

    # sort blocks by suffix array of reduced string
    temp = [0]*len(sa1)
    for i in range(1, len(sa1)):
        temp[i] = blocks[sa1[i]]
    blocks = temp

    sa = induced_sort(s, t, blocks)
    return sa
LCP Array

Reference paper: Linear-Time Longest-Common-Prefix Computation in Suffix Arrays and Its Applications

Kasai - Verification: USACO Standing Out - Complexity: O(m) \mathcal{O}(m)

def lcp_array(s: str, sa: list) -> list:
    """" Construct the LCP array given a string s and its suffix array sa. """
    n = len(s)
    rank = [0]*n
    for i in range(n):
        rank[sa[i]] = i

    lcp = [0]*(n - 1)
    h = 0
    for i in range(n):
        if rank[i] > 1:
            # suffix before rank[i] in the suffix array
            k = sa[rank[i] - 1]
            while s[i + h] == s[k + h]:
                h += 1
            lcp[rank[i] - 1] = h
            if h > 0:
                h -= 1

    return lcp
Generalized Suffix Arrays

Generalized Suffix Arrays - Verification: SPOJ LPS - Complexity: O(m)

def generalized_suffix_array(words: list) -> tuple:
    """ Build a single suffix array on the concatenation of multiple words. """
    n = [v for i, word in enumerate(words)
         for v in (list(map(ord, word)) + [i - len(words)])]
    return n, suffix_array(n)

Suffix Tree

Suffix Trees - Verification: SPOJ STAMMER - Complexity: O(m)

class SuffixTree:

    def __init__(self, key, parent=None, left=None, right=None, *,
                 start: int=None, end: int=None) -> None:
        # cartesian tree variables
        # stores the LCP value for internal nodes
        # and the suffix index for leaf nodes
        self.key = key
        self.parent = parent
        self.child = [left, right]

        # suffix tree variables
        # keyed by first character (distinct)
        self.children = {}
        # start and end indexes in the string
        self.start, self.end = start, end
        # root contains a copy of the original string
        self.s = None

    def __str__(self, n=None, s="", d=0) -> str:
        """ Fancy tree printing (uses the original string to draw edges). """
        if self.s is not None:
            rtn = []

            # precompute heights
            h = {None: -1, self: 0}
            q = [self]
            while len(q) > 0:
                n = q.pop()
                for child in n.children.values():
                    h[child] = h[n] + 1

            # actually compute string representation
            q = [self]
            while len(q) > 0:
                n = q.pop()
            while len(q) > 0:
                n = q.pop()
                edge = self.s[n.start: n.end + 1] \
                    if n.start is not None and n.end is not None else ""
                # edge = (n.start, n.end)
                rtn.append("{}{} {}\n".format(" "*4*h[n], n.key, edge))
                for child in sorted(n.children, reverse=True):
            return "".join(rtn)
        return "{}{}".format(self.key, "$" if len(self.children) == 0 else "")

    def __contains__(self, s: str) -> bool:
        """ Whether s is a substring of the suffix tree. """
        return self.match(s) is not None

    def match(self, s: str) -> "SuffixTree":
        Returns the subtree matching the string s, None if it does not exist.
        i = 0
        t = self
        while i < len(s):
            if s[i] not in t.children:
                return None
            t = t.children[s[i]]
            j = t.start
            while j <= t.end and i < len(s):
                if s[i] != self.s[j]:
                    return None
                j += 1
                i += 1
        return t

    def count(self, s: str) -> list:
        """ Reports the index of each occurrence of s in the string. """
        t = self.match(s)
        l = []
        if t is None:
            return l

        stk = [t]
        while len(stk) > 0:
            n = stk.pop()
            # leaf node
            if len(n.children) == 0:
            for child in n.children.values():

        return l

    def suffix_array(self) -> list:
        """ Inorder traversal yields a suffix array. """
        sa = []
        stk = [self]
        while len(stk) > 0:
            n = stk.pop()
            if len(n.children) == 0:
            # s log s where s is the size of the alphabet
            for k in sorted(n.children, reverse=True):

        return sa

def cartesian_tree(l: list) -> SuffixTree:
    """ Constructs a Cartesian tree for a LCP array in O(n). """
    stk = []
    for i in range(len(l)):
        c = None
        while len(stk) > 0 and stk[-1].key > l[i]:
            c = stk.pop()
        stk.append(SuffixTree(l[i], stk[-1] if len(stk) > 0 else None, c))
        # add right child
        if len(stk) > 1:
            stk[-2].child[1] = stk[-1]
            # merge same values
            # if stk[-1].key == stk[-2].key:
            #     stk[-2].child[0] = stk[-1].child[0]
            #     stk.pop()
    return stk[0]

def process(n: SuffixTree, sa: list, sword: list,
            wstart: dict, c: int, i: int) -> None:
    """ Adds a suffix of the string if the node is missing a child. """
    if n.child[c] is None:
        end = wstart[sword[sa[i]] + 1] - 1 \
            if sword[sa[i]] + 1 < len(wstart) else len(sa) - 1
        n.child[c] = SuffixTree(sa[i], n, start=sa[i] + n.key, end=end)
        return i + 1
    return i

def dfs(s: str, sa: list, t: SuffixTree,
        sword: list, wstart: dict) -> SuffixTree:
    """ Construct a suffix tree from the string s given its suffix array. """
    stk = [(t, 0)]
    i = 0
    while len(stk) > 0:
        n, p = stk[-1]
        i = process(n, sa, sword, wstart, 0, i)
        # either leaf or done with children
        if p == 2:
            i = process(n, sa, sword, wstart, 1, i)
            # merge same values
            if n.parent is not None and n.key == n.parent.key:
                n.parent.child = [
                    child for child in n.parent.child + n.child
                    if child.start is not None or child.key != n.key
            # label nodes with start and end values
            for child in n.child:
                if child.start is None:
                    # min start index of children minus 1
                    child.end = min(child.child,
                                    key=lambda x: x.start).start - 1
                    # difference in LCP values
                    child.start = child.end - (child.key - n.key) + 1
                # key by first character of edge
                n.children[s[child.start]] = child
                child.parent = n

        # has children left to process
            child = n.child[p]
            stk[-1] = (n, p + 1)
            if child is not None and child.start is None:
                stk.append((child, 0))
    # copy original string to convert (start, end) into substrings
    t.s = s
    # additional state information
    t.sword, t.wstart = sword, wstart
    return t

def suffix_tree(s: str, sa: list, lcp: list,
                word: list=[], start: dict={}) -> SuffixTree:
    """ Constructs a suffix tree for a string in O(n). """
    return dfs(s, sa, cartesian_tree(lcp),
               word if len(word) > 0 else [0]*len(s),
               start if len(start) > 0 else {s: 0})


Ukkonen's algorithm (direct construction)


Generalized Suffix Tree

Generalized Suffix Tree - Verification - Complexity: O(n) \mathcal{O}(n)

def generalized_suffix_tree(words: list) -> SuffixTree:
    """ Construct a suffix tree on the concatenation of multiple words. """
    s, sword, wstart = [], [], {}
    j = 0
    for i, word in enumerate(words):
        wstart[i] = j
        for k in range(len(word)):
            j += 1
        s.append(chr(128 + i))
        j += 1

    s = "".join(s) + "$"
    sa = suffix_array(s)
    lcp = lcp_array(s, sa)

    t = suffix_tree(s, sa, lcp, sword, wstart)
    return t
Suffix Tree to DAG

Suffix Tree to DAG - Verification - Complexity: O(n) \mathcal{O}(n)

def suffix_tree_dag(t: SuffixTree) -> dict:
    """ Converts a suffix tree to a numeric DAG. """
    ids, graph = {t: 0}, {}
    stk = [t]
    i = 1
    while len(stk) > 0:
        n = stk.pop()
        if ids[n] not in graph:
            graph[ids[n]] = []
        for child in n.children.values():
            ids[child] = i
            i += 1
    return ids, graph



Aho-Corasick - Verification: USACO Censoring - Complexity: O(n),O(m+z) \langle \mathcal{O}(n), \mathcal{O}(m + z) \rangle

from collections import deque

class Trie:

    def __init__(self, ch=None) -> None:
        self.children = {}                           # pointers to children = ch if isinstance(ch, str) else ""  # character
        self.end = []                                # represents a pattern
        self.suffix = self.output = None             # aho-corasick

        # create trie from list of patterns
        if isinstance(ch, list):
            for i, pattern in enumerate(ch):
                self.add(pattern, i)

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        if == "":
            rtn = []

            # precompute heights
            h = {None: -1, self: 0}
            q = [self]
            while len(q) > 0:
                n = q.pop()
                for child in n.children.values():
                    h[child] = h[n] + 1

            # actually compute string representation
            q = [self]
            while len(q) > 0:
                n = q.pop()
                rtn.append("{}{}{}:{} {}\n".format(" "*h[n],,
                                                   "$" if n.end else "",
                                                   h[n.suffix], h[n.output]))
                for child in sorted(n.children.values(),
                                    reverse=True, key=lambda x:
            return "".join(rtn)
        return "{}{}".format(, "$" if self.end is not None else "")

    def add(self, s: str, id: int=None) -> None:
        """ Add s to the trie. """
        for ch in s:
            if ch not in self.children:
                self.children[ch] = Trie(ch)
            self = self.children[ch]

def link(root: Trie) -> None:
    """ Computes the suffix links and output links for a given trie. """
    q = deque([(None, root)])
    while len(q) > 0:
        prev, n = q.popleft()
        if prev is not None:
            # suffix links
            x = prev.suffix
            while x is not None:
                if in x.children:
                    n.suffix = x.children[]
                x = x.suffix
                n.suffix = root

            # output links
            n.output = n.suffix if len(n.suffix.end) > 0 else n.suffix.output
        for child in n.children.values():
            q.append((n, child))

def aho_corasick(s: str, patterns: list, t: Trie=None) -> list:
    """ Return all matches of patterns in s with the Aho-Corasick automata. """
    # create automata or use precomputed
    if t is None:
        root = Trie(patterns)
        t = root

    # find matches
    matches = [0]*len(patterns)
    for ch in s:
        while ch not in t.children and != "":
            t = t.suffix
        if ch in t.children:
            t = t.children[ch]
        if len(t.end) > 0:
            matches[t.end[0]] += 1
        word = t.output
        while word is not None:
            matches[word.end[0]] += 1
            word = word.output

    # reuse values for duplicated patterns
    stk = [root]
    while len(stk) > 0:
        n = stk.pop()
        for i in range(1, len(n.end)):
            matches[n.end[i]] = matches[n.end[0]]
        for child in n.children.values():

    return matches


Knuth-Morris-Pratt - Verification: SPOJ Rotations - Complexity: O(n),O(m) \langle \mathcal{O}(n), \mathcal{O}(m) \rangle

def prefix_function(s: str) -> list:
    pi = [-1]*len(s)
    k = -1
    for i in range(1, len(s)):
        while k >= 0 and s[k + 1] != s[i]:
            k = pi[k]
        if s[k + 1] == s[i]:
            k += 1
        pi[i] = k
    return pi

def kmp(s: str, p: str) -> list:
    pi = prefix_function(p)
    k = -1
    matches = []
    for i in range(len(s)):
        while k >= 0 and p[k + 1] != s[i]:
            k = pi[k]
        if p[k + 1] == s[i]:
            k += 1
        if k == len(p) - 1:
            matches.append(i - len(p) + 1)
            k = pi[k]
    return matches

Dynamic Programming


import sys
from functools import lru_cache


def recur(*args, **kwargs):


Graph Algorithms


Breadth-first search - Verification: AI - Complexity: O(V+E) \mathcal{O}(V + E)

from collections import deque

def bfs(graph, start):
    """ Breadth-first search on graph from start. """
    seen = {start}
    q = deque([start])
    while len(q) > 0:
        n = q.popleft()
        for child in graph[n]:
            if child not in seen:

Depth-first search - Verification: AI - Complexity: O(V+E) \mathcal{O}(V + E)

def dfs(graph, start):
    """ Depth-first search on graph from start. """
    seen = {start}
    stk = [start]
    while len(stk) > 0:
        n = stk.pop()
        for child in graph[n]:
            if child not in seen:

Iterative post-order depth-first search - Verification - Complexity: O(V+E) \mathcal{O}(V + E)

def dfs(graph, u):
    """ Iterative post-order depth-first search. """
    seen = {u}
    stk = [(u, 0)]
    while len(stk) > 0:
        n, p = stk[-1]
        # either leaf or done with children
        if len(graph[n]) == p:
        # has children left to process
            child = graph[n][p]
            stk[-1] = (n, p + 1)
            if child not in seen:
                stk.append((child, 0))

Iterative post-order DFS (without indexing children) - Verification - Complexity: O(V+E) \mathcal{O}(V + E)

def dfs(graph, u):
    """ Iterative post-order depth-first search. """
    done, seen = set(), set()
    stk = [u]
    while len(stk) > 0:
        n = stk[-1]
        # done with children
        if n in seen:
            if n not in done:
        # has children left to process
            for child in graph[n]:
                if child not in seen:

Eulerian Tour

Eulerian Tour - Verification: USACO Training Riding the Fences - Complexity: O(V+E) \mathcal{O}(V + E)

def eulerian_tour(graph: dict) -> list:
    """ Finds a Eulerian tour or walk of the graph, whichever is possible. """
    # remove nodes with no edges
    graph = {k: v for k, v in graph.items() if len(v) > 0}
    count = sum(len(graph[v]) % 2 for v in graph)
    if count != 0 and count != 2:
        return # no such tour
    start = 0 if count == 0 else \
        next((v for v in graph if len(graph[v]) % 2 == 1))

    stk = [(start, 0)]
    tour = []
    seen = set()
    while len(stk) > 0:
        n, p = stk[-1]
        # done with children
        if len(graph[n]) == p:
        # has children left to process
            child = graph[n][p]
            stk[-1] = (n, p + 1)
            # edges have a unique id - (vertex, id)
            if (child[1] not in seen):
                stk.append((child[0], 0))
    return tour[::-1]

Topological Sort

Topological Sort - Verification - Complexity: O(V+E) \mathcal{O}(V + E)

def dfs(graph: dict, u: int, order: list, done: set) -> list:
    """ Depth-first search on graph from start. """
    stk = [u]
    seen = set()
    while len(stk) > 0:
        n = stk[-1]
        # done with children
        if n in seen:
            if n not in done:
        # has children left to process
            for child in graph[n]:
                if child not in done:
                    if child not in seen:
                    # cycle, child processed before
                        return True

def topological_sort(graph: dict) -> list:
    """ Toplogical ordering on the directed acylic graph. """
    order, done = [], set()
    for n in graph:
        if n not in done:
            if dfs(graph, n, order, done):
                return []
    return order[::-1]

Shortest Path

Dijkstra - Verification: USACO Training Sweet Butter - Complexity: O((E+V)logV) \mathcal{O}((E + V) \log V) (I think)

import heapq

def dijkstra(graph, i):
    """ Single-source shortest path for the graph starting at i. """
    dists = {i: float("inf") for i in range(len(graph))}
    paths = {i: 0 for i in range(len(graph))}
    dists[i] = 0
    pq = [(dists[i], i)]
    seen = set()
    while len(pq) > 0:
        dist, n = heapq.heappop(pq)
        if n in seen: continue
        for c, w in graph[n].items():
            if dists[n] + w < dists[c]:
                dists[c] = dists[n] + w
                paths[c] = n
                if c not in seen:
                    heapq.heappush(pq, (dists[c], c))
    return dists, paths

Dijkstra assuming the priority queue provides a .update(key, value) function

def heap_dijkstra(graph, i):
    """ Single-source shortest path for the graph starting at i. """
    dists = {i: float("inf") for i in range(len(graph))}
    paths = {i: 0 for i in range(len(graph))}
    dists[i] = 0
    pq = BST()
    for v in graph:
        pq.add((float("inf") if v != i else 0, v), v)

    seen = set()
    while len(pq) > 0:
        dist, n = pq.pop()
        dist = dist[0]
        for c, w in graph[n].items():
            if dists[n] + w < dists[c] and c not in seen:
                temp = dists[c]
                dists[c] = dists[n] + w
                paths[c] = n
                pq.update((temp, c), c, (dists[c], c))
    return dists, paths

Floyd-Warshall - Verification: USACO Training Bessie Come Home - Complexity: O(V3) \mathcal{O}(V^3)

def floyd_warshall():
    """ All-pairs shortest path for the graph. """
    m = [[float("inf")]*N for i in range(N)]

    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(N):
            m[i][j] = 0 if i == j else \
                (graph[i][j] if j in graph[i] else m[i][j])

    for k in range(N):
        for i in range(N):
            for j in range(N):
                if m[i][k] + m[k][j] < m[i][j]:
                     m[i][j] = m[i][k] + m[k][j]

Floyd-Warshall for sparse graphs - Verification: USACO Training Cow Tours

def floyd_warshall():
    """ All-pairs shortest path for the graph. """
    m = [[float("inf")]*N for i in range(N)]

    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(N):
            m[i][j] = 0 if i == j else \
                (graph[i][j] if j in graph[i] else m[i][j])

    poss = [set([i for i in range(N) if row[i] != float("inf")]) for row in m]

    for k in range(N):
        for i in range(N):
            if k not in poss[i]: continue
            for j in poss[k]:
                if m[i][k] + m[k][j] < m[i][j]:
                     m[i][j] = m[i][k] + m[k][j]

Manhattan Distance

manhat = lambda i, j, x, y: abs(i - x) + abs(j - y)

A* - Verification: AI - Complexity: ???

def Astar(start):
    """ Single-source shortest path for the graph. """
    seen = set()
    pq = [(dist(start), start, 0)]
    while len(pq) > 0:
        dis, n, moves = heapq.heappop(pq)
        if n == goal:
            return moves
        if n in seen: continue
        for child in get_children(n):
                           (heuristic(child) + moves + 1, child, moves + 1)


Union-find (or disjoint-set) - Verification: USACO Closing - Complexity: O(α(N)) \mathcal{O}(\alpha(N))

where α \alpha is the inverse Ackermann function.

Mikasa Ackerman
Mikasa Ackerman.
def union_init(n: int) -> tuple:
    """ Initialize the union-find data structure. """
    return {i: i for i in range(n)}, {i: 1 for i in range(n)}

def find(parent: dict, u: int) -> int:
    """ Find the root of u. """
    if parent[u] == u:
        return u
    parent[u] = find(parent, parent[u])
    return parent[u]

def union(parent: dict, size: dict, u: int, v: int) -> bool:
    """ Union the components of u and v. """
    ur, vr = find(parent, u), find(parent, v)
    if ur == vr:
        return False

    x, y = (ur, vr) if size[ur] < size[vr] else (vr, ur)
    parent[x] = y
    size[y] += size[x]
    return True

Iterative variant

def find(parent: dict, u: int) -> int:
    """ Find the root of u. """
    i = u
    while parent[i] != i:
        i = parent[i]
    while parent[u] != u:
        p = parent[u]
        parent[u] = i
        u = p
    return i

Minimum Spanning Tree

Kruskal - Verification: USACO Simplify - Complexity: O(ElogE)=O(ElogV) \mathcal{O}(E \log E) = \mathcal{O}(E \log V)

def kruskal(graph: dict) -> list:
    """ Find the minimum spanning tree of the graph with Kruskal's. """
    parent, size = {u: u for u in graph}, {u: 1 for u in graph}
    span = []
    for e in sorted((graph[u][v], u, v)
                    for u in graph for v in graph[u] if v > u):
        w, u, v = e
        if find(parent, u) != find(parent, v):
            span.append((w, u, v))
            union(parent, size, u, v)
    return span

Prim - Verification - Complexity: O(V2) \mathcal{O}(V^2)

def prim(m: list) -> float:
    """ Find the minimum spanning tree of the graph with Prim's. """
    distances = {i: float("inf") for i in range(len(m))}
    paths = {i: 0 for i in range(len(m))}
    tree = {i: False for i in range(len(m))}
    size, cost = 1, 0
    tree[0] = True
    for i in range(len(m)):
        distances[i] = m[0][i]
        paths[i] = 0
    while size < len(m):
        i = min(distances,
                key=lambda x: distances[x] if not tree[x] else float("inf"))
        size += 1
        cost += distances[i]
        tree[i] = True
        for j in range(len(m)):
            if distances[j] > m[i][j]:
                distances[j] = m[i][j]
                paths[j] = i
    return cost

Connected Components

Important if using recursion

import sys


Connected components - Verification - Complexity: O(V+E) \mathcal{O}(V + E)

def assign(u, num, ids={}):
    """ Assign u and its children to the component num. """
    stk = [u]
    while len(stk) > 0:
        n = stk.pop()
        ids[n] = num
        for child in graph[n]:
            if child not in ids:
                ids[child] = num

def connected(graph):
    """ Find the connected components of the graph. """
    ids, num = {}, 0
    for u in graph:
        if u not in ids:
            assign(u, num, ids)
            num += 1
    return ids, num

Directed (Strongly connected components)

Recursion bad - see iterative post-order/assign

def visit(u, seen=set(), l=deque([])):
    """ Visit u and its children. """
    if u not in seen:
        for v in reverse[u]:
            visit(v, seen, l)
    return seen, l

def assign(u, num, ids={}):
    """ Assign u and its children to the component num. """
    if u not in ids:
        ids[u] = num
        for v in graph[u]:
            assign(v, num, ids)
    return ids

Kosaraju-Sharir - Verification - Complexity: O(V + E)

def assign(u, num, ids={}):
    """ Assign u and its children to the component num. """
    stk = [u]
    while len(stk) > 0:
        n = stk.pop()
        ids[n] = num
        for child in graph[n]:
            if child not in ids:
                ids[child] = num

def visit(u, seen=set(), l=deque([])):
    """ Visit u and its children. """
    if u in seen: return
    stk = [u]
    done = set()
    while len(stk) > 0:
        n = stk[-1]
        # done with children
        if n in seen:
            if n not in done:
        # has children left to process
            for child in reverse[n]:
                if child not in seen:

def kosaraju_sharir(graph):
    """ Find the strongly connected components with Kosaraju-Sharir. """
    seen, l = set(), deque([])
    for u in graph:
        visit(u, seen, l)
    ids, num = {}, 0
    for u in l:
        if u not in ids:
            assign(u, num, ids)
            num += 1
    return ids, num

Recover components from ids

comps = {i: [] for i in range(N)}
for key, value in ids.items():



Lowest Common Ancestor - Verification: PClassic - Complexity: 0,O(n) \langle 0, \mathcal{O}(n) \rangle

def bfs(graph, start):
    """ Breadth-first search on graph from start. """
    heights = {}
    parents = {start: start}
    q = deque([(start, 0)])
    while len(q) > 0:
        n, h = q.popleft()
        heights[n] = h
        for child in graph[n]:
            if child not in heights:
                heights[child] = h + 1
                parents[child] = n
                q.append((child, h + 1))
    return heights, parents

def lca(heights, parents, u, v):
    h1, h2 = heights[u], heights[v]
    x, y = (u, v) if h1 > h2 else (v, u)
    while h1 != h2:
        x = parents[x]
        if h1 > h2:
            h1 -= 1
            h2 -= 1
    while x != y:
        x = parents[x]
        y = parents[y]
    return x
2^n Jump Pointers

Jump Pointers - Verification: USACO Max Flow - Complexity: O(nlogn),O(logn) \langle \mathcal{O}(n \log n), \mathcal{O}(\log n) \rangle

import math

def build_table(parents: dict) -> list:
    """ Builds a 2^n jump pointer table in O(n log n) """
    n, m = len(parents), math.ceil(math.log2(len(parents)))
    dp = [[0]*m for i in range(n)]

    for i in range(n):
        dp[i][0] = parents[i]

    for j in range(m - 1):
        for i in range(n):
            dp[i][j + 1] = dp[dp[i][j]][j]

    return dp

def jump(table: list, u: int, d: int) -> int:
    """ Returns the ancestor d height above a node u in O(log d). """
    i = 0
    while d > 0:
        if d & 1 == 1:
            u = table[u][i]
        d >>= 1
        i += 1
    return u

def lca(heights: dict, table: list, u: int, v: int) -> int:
    """ Returns the Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) in O(log n) """
    h1, h2 = heights[u], heights[v]
    x, y = (u, v) if h1 > h2 else (v, u)
    x = jump(table, x, abs(h1 - h2))
    if x == y: return x

    i = len(table[x]) - 1
    while i >= 0:
        if table[x][i] != table[y][i]:
            x, y = table[x][i], table[y][i]
        i -= 1

    return table[x][0]
LCA with Range Minimum Query

Euler Tour - Verification: USACO Max Flow - Complexity: O(n),O(1) \langle \mathcal{O}(n), \mathcal{O}(1) \rangle

def traversal(u) -> tuple:
    """ Euler tour on the tree rooted at u. """
    stk = [(u, 0, 0)]
    seen = set()
    left, right, l = {}, [], []
    while len(stk) > 0:
        n, p, h = stk[-1]
        # either leaf or done with children
        if len(graph[n]) == p:

            left[n] = len(l)
        # has children left to process
            child = graph[n][p]
            stk[-1] = (n, p + 1, h)
            if child not in seen:
                stk.append((child, 0, h + 1))

                left[n] = len(l)
    return left, right, l

indexes, inv, array = traversal(0)
fh = fischer_heun(array)
l = inv[rmq(array, *fh, indexes[a], indexes[b])]

Heavy-Light Decomposition

Heavy-Light Decomposition - Verification: USACO Milk Visits - Complexity: O(n) \mathcal{O}(n)

def hld(graph: dict, start: int) -> tuple:
    """ Heavy-light decomposition of the tree. """
    parents = {start: start}
    heights = {start: 0}
    heavy = {}
    size = {u: 1 for u in range(len(graph))}
    largest = {u: 0 for u in range(len(graph))}
    stk = [(start, 0)]
    while len(stk) > 0:
        n, p = stk[-1]
        # either leaf or done with children
        if len(graph[n]) == p:
            for child in graph[n]:
                size[n] += size[child]
                # heavy edge is the largest subtree out of a node's children
                if child != parents[n] and size[child] > largest[n]:
                    largest[n] = size[child]
                    heavy[n] = child
        # has children left to process
            child = graph[n][p]
              stk[-1] = (n, p + 1)
            if child not in parents:
                parents[child] = n
                heights[child] = heights[n] + 1
                stk.append((child, 0))
    return parents, heights, heavy

def hld_decomp(graph: dict, heavy: dict, start: int) -> tuple:
    """ Heavy-light decomposition of the tree. """
    cur = 0
    head, indexes = {}, {}
    array = []
    seen = set()
    stk = [(start, start)]
    while len(stk) > 0:
        n, h = stk.pop()
        head[n] = h
        indexes[n] = cur
        cur += 1
        for child in graph[n]:
            if child not in seen and child != heavy.get(n, None):
                stk.append((child, child))
        # traverse heavy edges first, since it's a stack it goes after
        if n in heavy:
            stk.append((heavy[n], h))
    return head, indexes, array

def query(parents: dict, heights: dict, head: dict,
          array: dict, indexes: dict, u: int, v: int) -> float:
    ans = 0
    while head[u] != head[v]:
        u, v = (u, v) if heights[head[u]] > heights[head[v]] else (v, u)
        mx = 0
        # mx = rmq(array, indexes[head[u]], indexes[v])
        ans = ans if ans > mx else mx
        u = parents[head[u]]
    u, v = (u, v) if heights[u] < heights[v] else (v, u)
    mx = 0
    # mx = rmq(array, indexes[u], indexes[v])
    ans = ans if ans > mx else mx
    return ans

Tree to Array

Verification - Complexity: O(V+E) \mathcal{O}(V + E)

def tree_to_dag(u, seen=set()):
    """ Turn a tree into a DAG. """
    if u in seen: return
    stk = [(u, 0)]
    new = {i: [] for i in range(len(graph))}
    while len(stk) > 0:
        n, p = stk[-1]
        # either leaf or done with children
        if len(graph[n]) == p:
        # has children left to process
            child = graph[n][p]
            stk[-1] = (n, p + 1)
            if child not in seen:
                stk.append((child, 0))
    return new

def dfs(u, seen=set()):
    """ Depth-first search on graph from start. """
    if u in seen: return
    stk = [(u, 0)]
    indexes = {}
    used = -1
    while len(stk) > 0:
        n, p = stk[-1]
        # either leaf or done with children
        if len(graph[n]) == p:
            if p == 0:
                used += 1
                indexes[n] = (used, used)
                l, r = indexes[graph[n][0]][0], indexes[graph[n][-1]][1] + 1
                indexes[n] = (l, r)
                used = r
        # has children left to process
            child = graph[n][p]
            stk[-1] = (n, p + 1)
            if child not in seen:
                stk.append((child, 0))
    return indexes


Edmonds-Karp - Verification: SPOJ MTOTALF - Complexity: O(VE2) \mathcal{O}(V E^2)

def bfs(c, f, s, t):
    """ Breadth-first search on graph from start. """
    q = deque([(s, float("inf"))])
    paths = {s: None}
    while len(q) > 0:
        n, flow = q.popleft()
        if n == t:
            return flow, paths
        for child in c[n]:
            cf = c[n][child] - f[n][child]
            if child not in paths and cf > 0:
                paths[child] = n
                q.append((child, min(flow, cf)))

def edmonds_karp(c, s, t):
    """ Compute the flow of the graph with Edmonds-Karp. """
    f = {u: {v: 0 for v in c} for u in c}
    p = bfs(c, f, s, t)
    flow = 0
    while p is not None:
        df, path = p
        u, v = t, path[t]
        flow += df
        while v is not None:
            f[v][u] += df
            f[u][v] = -f[v][u]
            u, v = v, path[v]
        p = bfs(c, f, s, t)
    return flow, f


Max Flow








Merge Sort - Verification: MBIT Hen Hackers - Complexity: O(nlogn) \mathcal{O}(n \log n)

def merge_two(l1: list, l2: list) -> list:
    """ Takes in two sorted lists and returns a sorted list. """
    rtn = []
    p1 = p2 = 0
    while p1 < len(l1) and p2 < len(l2):
        if l1[p1] < l2[p2]:
            p1 += 1
            p2 += 1
    return rtn + (l1[p1:] if p1 != len(l1) else l2[p2:])

def merge_sort(l: list) -> list:
    """ Sorts a list. """
    m = len(l)>>1
    return l if m == 0 else merge_two(merge_sort(l[:m]), merge_sort(l[m:]))

Quick Sort - Verification - Complexity: expected O(nlogn) \mathcal{O}(n \log n)

def median(n1: int, n2: int, n3: int) -> int:
    """ Finds the median of three numbers. """
    return sorted([n1, n2, n3])[1]

def quick_sort(l: list) -> list:
    """ Sorts a list. """
    if len(l) <= 1:
        return l
    m = median(l[0], l[len(l)>>1], l[-1])
    l1, l2 = [], []
    for n in l:
        (l1 if n < m else \
        (l2 if n > m else (l1 if len(l1) < len(l2) else l2))).append(n)
    return quick_sort(l1) + quick_sort(l2)

Order statistics - Verification - Complexity: O(n) \mathcal{O}(n)

def split(l: list, x: float) -> tuple:
    """ Splits the list by a particular value x. """
    left, mid, right = [], [], []
    for v in l:
        (left if v < x else (right if v > x else mid)).append(v)
    return left, mid, right

def median(l: list) -> float:
    """ Returns the upper median of l, via a sort. """
    return sorted(l)[len(l)//2]

def select(l: list, i: int) -> float:
    """ Returns sorted(l)[i] in O(n) with median of medians as a pivot. """
    if len(l) == 1: # base case
        return l[0]
    medians = [median(l[5*i: 5*(i + 1)]) for i in range(-(-len(l)//5))]
    left, mid, right = split(l, select(medians, len(medians)//2))
    k, m = len(left), len(mid)
    if k <= i <= k + m - 1: # pivot is the answer
        return mid[0]
    # recur on sublist and get rid of pivot
    return select(left, i) if i < k else select(right, i - k - m)

Data Structures

Monotonic Query

Monotonic Queue - Verification - Complexity: O(1) \mathcal{O}(1)

class MinStack:
    """ O(1) append O(1) pop O(1) min query. """

    def __init__(self, f=min):
        self.stk, self.f = [], f

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self.stk)

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return f"stack({self.stk})"

    def append(self, val):
            (val, self.f(val, self.stk[-1][1]) if len(self.stk) > 0 else val)

    def pop(self):
        return self.stk.pop()

    def min(self):
        if len(self.stk) > 0:
            return self.stk[-1][1]
            raise ValueError("min() arg is an empty sequence")

class MinQueue:
    O(1) append O(1) pop O(1) min

    Implemented via two min-stacks.

    def __init__(self, f=min):
        self.instk, self.outstk = MinStack(f), MinStack(f)
        self.f = f

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self.instk) + len(self.outstk)

    def __iter__(self) -> "MinQueue":
        self.i, self.l = 0, 0
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        if self.l == 2:
            raise StopIteration
        l = [self.outstk.stk, self.instk.stk][self.l]
        if self.i == len(l):
            self.l += 1
            self.i = 0
            return self.__next__()
        v = l[len(l) - 1 - self.i] if self.l == 0 else l[self.i]
        self.i += 1
        return v[0]

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return f"queue({[x for x in self]})"

    def append(self, val) -> None:

    def popleft(self):
        if len(self.outstk) == 0:
            while len(self.instk) != 0:
        return self.outstk.pop()

    def appendleft(self, val) -> None:

    def min(self):
        if len(self.instk) != 0 and len(self.outstk) != 0:
            return self.f(self.instk.min(), self.outstk.min())
        elif len(self.instk) == 0:
            return self.outstk.min()
        elif len(self.outstk) == 0:
            return self.instk.min()
            raise ValueError("min() arg is an empty sequence")

Range Minimum Query

Stanford lecture slides

Fischer-Heun - Verification: SPOJ RMQSQ - Complexity: <O(n), O(1)>

import math

def cartesian_number(l: list) -> int:
    """ Returns the Cartesian number for a given list. """
    stk = []
    num = 0
    for i in range(len(l)):
        while len(stk) > 0 and stk[-1] > l[i]:
            num <<= 1
        num <<= 1
        num |= 1
    return num << (2*len(l) - msb(num) - 1)

def msb(n: int) -> int:
    """ Returns the index of the most significant bit of n. """
    return n.bit_length() - 1

def sparse_table(l: list) -> list:
    """ Computes a sparse table (think 2^n jump pointers) """
    n, m = len(l), math.ceil(math.log2(len(l)))
    dp = [[] for i in range(n)]

    for i in range(n):

    k = 1
    for j in range(m):
        for i in range(n):
            if i + k >= n or j >= len(dp[i + k]):
            # min with lambdas is REALLY slow
            # dp[i].append(min(dp[i][j], dp[i + k][j], key=lambda x: l[x]))
                dp[i][j] if l[dp[i][j]] <= l[dp[i + k][j]] else dp[i + k][j]
        k <<= 1

    return dp

def sparse_rmq(l: list, table: list, i: int, j: int) -> int:
    """ Returns the index of the minimum element between i and j. """
    k = msb(j - i + 1)
    # return min(table[i][k], table[j - (1 << k) + 1][k], key=lambda x: l[x])
    return table[i][k] if l[table[i][k]] < l[table[j - (1 << k) + 1][k]] else \
           table[j - (1 << k) + 1][k]

def full_table(l: list) -> list:
    """ Computes all possible ranges. """
    n = len(l)
    dp = [[] for i in range(n)]

    for i in range(n):

    for j in range(n):
        for i in range(n - 1):
            if i + j >= n or j >= len(dp[i + 1]):
            # dp[i].append(min(dp[i][j], dp[i + 1][j], key=lambda x: l[x]))
                dp[i][j] if l[dp[i][j]] <= l[dp[i + 1][j]] else dp[i + 1][j]

    return dp

def full_rmq(table: list, i: int, j: int) -> int:
    """ O(1) RMQ. """
    return table[i][j - i]

def fischer_heun(l: list) -> tuple:
    """ Constructs the structure in O(n). """
    b = max(int(math.log2(len(l))) >> 1, 1) # k = 1, not k = 1/2 (>> 2 for 1/2)
    blocks = [l[i: i + b] for i in range(0, len(l), b)]
    a = [min(block) for block in blocks]
    indexes = [min(range(i, min(i + b, len(l))), key=lambda x: l[x])
               for i in range(0, len(l), b)]
    table = sparse_table(a)
    ids = [cartesian_number(block) for block in blocks]

    tables = {}
    for i, block in enumerate(blocks):
        if ids[i] not in tables:
            tables[ids[i]] = full_table(block)

    return b, a, indexes, ids, table, tables

def rmq(o: list, b: int, a: list, indexes: list, ids: list,
        table: list, tables: list, i: int, j: int) -> int:
    """ O(1) RMQ. """
    if i > j:
        i, j = j, i
    l, r = i//b, j//b         # block indexes
    li, ri = i - l*b, j - r*b # index in the block
    # in same block
    if l == r:
        return b*l + full_rmq(tables[ids[l]], li, ri)
    i1 = b*l + full_rmq(tables[ids[l]], li, b - 1)
    i2 = indexes[sparse_rmq(a, table, l + 1, r - 1)] if r - 1 >= l + 1 else -1
    i3 = b*r + full_rmq(tables[ids[r]], 0, ri)

    v = i1 if o[i1] < o[i3] else i3
    return v if i2 == -1 or o[v] < o[i2] else i2


Binary Indexed Trees (BITS)

Binary Indexed Trees - Verification - Complexity: O(nlogn) \mathcal{O}(n \log n) construction, O(logn) \mathcal{O}(\log n) query

class BIT:

    def __init__(self, n) -> None:
        if isinstance(n, list):
            self.l = [0]*(len(n) + 1)
            for i in range(len(n)):
                self.update(i, n[i])
            self.l = [0]*(n + 1)

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return str(self.l)

    def query(self, i: int) -> float:
        """ sum of elements up to (and including) i """
        i += 1
        ans = 0
        while i > 0:
            ans += self.l[i]
            i -= (i & -i)
        return ans

    def range(self, i: int, j: int) -> float:
        """ sum of elements between i and j, inclusive on both ends """
        return self.query(j) - (self.query(i - 1) if i > 0 else 0)

    def update(self, i: int, v: float) -> None:
        i += 1
        while i < len(self.l):
            self.l[i] += v
            i += (i & -i)

class RBIT:

    """ BITs with range update. """

    def __init__(self, n) -> None:
        p = len(n) if isinstance(n, list) else n
        self.t1, self.t2 = BIT(p), BIT(p)

        if isinstance(n, list):
            for i in range(p):
                self.update(i, i, n[i])

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.t1} {self.t2}"

    def query(self, i: int) -> float:
        return i*self.t1.query(i) + self.t2.query(i)

    def range(self, i: int, j: int) -> float:
        return self.query(j) - (self.query(i - 1) if i > 0 else 0)

    def update(self, i: int, j: int, v: float) -> None:
        self.t1.update(i, v)
        self.t1.update(j + 1, -v)
        self.t2.update(i, -(i - 1)*v)
        self.t2.update(j + 1, j*v)

Segment Tree

Segment Tree - Verification - Complexity: O(n) \mathcal{O}(n) construction, O(logn) \mathcal{O}(\log n) query

class SegTree:

    def __init__(self, n) -> None:
        if isinstance(n, list):
            self.l = [0]*(len(n)<<2)
  , 1, 0, len(n) - 1)
            self.n = len(n)
            self.l = [0]*(n<<2)
            self.n = n
        self.lazy = [0]*(self.n<<2)

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return str(self.l)

    def build(self, a: list, p: int, l: int, r: int) -> None:
        # leaf
        if l == r:
            self.l[p] = a[l]
            pl, pr = p<<1, p<<1|1
            m = (l + r)>>1
  , pl, l, m)
  , pr, m + 1, r)
            self.l[p] = self.l[pl] + self.l[pr]

    def push(self, p: int, l: int, r: int):
        """ Propagate lazy values """
        pl, pr = p<<1, p<<1|1
        # update the actual value proportional
        # to the number of elements in the range
        self.l[p] += (r - l + 1)*self.lazy[p]
        # not leaf
        if l != r:
            self.lazy[pl] += self.lazy[p]
            self.lazy[pr] += self.lazy[p]
        self.lazy[p] = 0

    def query(self, i: int, j: int) -> float:
        return self.subquery(i, j, 1, 0, self.n - 1)

    def subquery(self, i: int, j: int, p: int, l: int, r: int) -> float:
        # segment outside query
        if i > r or j < l:
            return 0
        self.push(p, l, r)
        # segment inside query
        if i <= l and r <= j:
            return self.l[p]
        # partial
        pl, pr = p<<1, p<<1|1
        m = (l + r)>>1
        vl = self.subquery(i, j, pl, l, m)
        vr = self.subquery(i, j, pr, m + 1, r)
        return (vl + vr)

    def update(self, i: int, j: int, v: float) -> None:
        self.subupdate(i, j, 1, 0, self.n - 1, v)

    def subupdate(self, i: int, j: int, p: int,
                  l: int, r: int, v: float) -> None:
        if i > r or j < l:
        self.push(p, l, r)
        if i <= l and r <= j:
            self.lazy[p] += v
            self.push(p, l, r)
            pl, pr = p<<1, p<<1|1
            m = (l + r)>>1
            self.subupdate(i, j, pl, l, m, v)
            self.subupdate(i, j, pr, m + 1, r, v)
            self.l[p] = self.l[pl] + self.l[pr]

AVL Tree

AVL Tree - Verification - Complexity: O(nlogn) \mathcal{O}(n \log n) construction, O(logn) \mathcal{O}(\log n) query

class Node:

    def __init__(self, key, value=None, parent=None, left=None, right=None):
        self.key = key
        self.value = value
        self.parent = parent
        self.child = [left, right]
        self.balance = 0
        self.height = 1

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.key}:{self.value}:{self.balance}" \
            if self.value is not None else str(self.key)

    def extrema(self, i: int):
        n = self
        while n.child[i] is not None:
            n = n.child[i]
        return n

    def min(self): return self.extrema(0)

    def max(self): return self.extrema(1)

class BST:

    def __init__(self):
        self.root = None

    def __str__(self, n=None, s="", d=0) -> str:
        if d == 0: n = self.root
        if n is None: return s
        s = self.__str__(n.child[0], s, d + 1)
        s += " "*4*d + str(n) + "\n"
        s = self.__str__(n.child[1], s, d + 1)
        return s

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        # future: OS tree (302 in introduction to algorithms)
        return 0 if self.root is None else 1

    def min(self): return self.root.min()

    def max(self): return self.root.max()

    def add(self, key, value=None):
        if self.root is None:
            self.root = Node(key, value)
        self.subadd(key, value, self.root)

        n = self.find(key, value)

    def find(self, key, value=None):
        return self.subfind(key, value, self.root)

    def contains(self, key, value=None) -> bool:
        return self.find(key, value) is not None

    def delete(self, key, value=None):
        n = self.find(key, value)
        # leaf node
        if n.child[0] is None and n.child[1] is None:
            # root node
            if n.parent is None:
                self.root = None
            self.set_children(n.parent, n.key, None)
            to_trace = n.parent
        elif n.child[0] is None:
            if n.parent is None:
                self.root = n.child[1]
                self.root.parent = None
            self.set_children(n.parent, n.key, n.child[1])
            to_trace = n.child[1]
        elif n.child[1] is None:
            if n.parent is None:
                self.root = n.child[0]
                self.root.parent = None
            self.set_children(n.parent, n.key, n.child[0])
            to_trace = n.child[0]
        # two children
            temp = n.child[0].max()
            n.key, n.value = temp.key, temp.value
            self.set_children(temp.parent, temp.key, temp.child[0])
            if temp.child[0] is not None:


    def update(self, key, value, new):
        self.delete(key, value)
        self.add(new, value)

    def pop(self):
        n = self.min()
        self.delete(n.key, n.value)
        return n.key, n.value

    def set_children(self, n, key, value):
        n.child[key > n.key] = value
        if value is not None:
            value.parent = n

    def subadd(self, key, value, n):
        if n.child[key > n.key] is None:
            n.child[key > n.key] = Node(key, value, n)
        self.subadd(key, value, n.child[key > n.key])

    def subfind(self, key, value, n):
        if key == n.key and value == n.value:
            return n

        if n.child[key > n.key] is None:
            return None

        return self.subfind(key, value, n.child[key > n.key])

    def trace_heights(self, n):
        while n is not None:
            n = n.parent

    def update_height(self, n):
        left  = n.child[0].height if n.child[0] is not None else 0
        right = n.child[1].height if n.child[1] is not None else 0
        n.height = max(left, right) + 1
        n.balance = right - left

    def trace(self, n):
        while n.parent is not None:
            p = n.parent
            # right child
            if n.key > p.key:
                if p.balance == 2:
                    (self.rotate_right_left if n.balance < 0 else \
                     self.rotate_left)(p, n)
                if p.balance == -2:
                    (self.rotate_left_right if n.balance > 0 else \
                     self.rotate_right)(p, n)
            n = p

    def rotate(self, p, n, d):
        c = n.child[d]
        p.child[d ^ 1] = c

        if c is not None:
            c.parent = p
        n.child[d] = p

        n.parent = p.parent
        if p.parent is not None:
            p.parent.child[p.key > p.parent.key] = n
            self.root = n
        p.parent = n

        # order matters: update from the bottom up

        return n

    def rotate_left(self, p, n): return self.rotate(p, n, 0)

    def rotate_right(self, p, n): return self.rotate(p, n, 1)

    def rotate_left_right(self, p, n):
        return self.rotate_right(p, self.rotate_left(n, n.child[1]))

    def rotate_right_left(self, p, n):
        return self.rotate_left(p, self.rotate_right(n, n.child[0]))

Cartesian Tree

Cartesian Tree - Verification: SPOJ RMQSQ - Complexity: O(n) \mathcal{O}(n)

class CartesianTree:

    def __init__(self, key, parent=None, left=None, right=None):
        self.key = key
        self.parent = parent
        self.child = [left, right]

    def __str__(self, n=None, s="", d=0) -> str:
        if d == 0: n = self
        if n is None: return s
        s = self.__str__(n.child[0], s, d + 1)
        s += " "*4*d + str(n.key) + "\n"
        s = self.__str__(n.child[1], s, d + 1)
        return s

def cartesian_tree(l: list) -> CartesianTree:
    """ Constructs a Cartesian tree for a given list in O(n). """
    stk = []
    for i in range(len(l)):
        c = None
        while len(stk) > 0 and stk[-1].key > l[i]:
            c = stk.pop()
        stk.append(CartesianTree(l[i], stk[-1] if len(stk) > 0 else None, c))
        # add right child
        if len(stk) > 1:
            stk[-2].child[1] = stk[-1]
    return stk[0]


CMU lecture slides

kd-Tree - Verification - Complexity:

### median selection

def select_split(l: list, x: float) -> tuple:
    """ Splits the list by a particular value x. """
    left, mid, right = [], [], []
    for v in l:
        (left if v < x else (right if v > x else mid)).append(v)
    return left, mid, right

def median(l: list) -> float:
    """ Returns the upper median of l, via a sort. """
    return sorted(l)[len(l)//2]

def select(l: list, i: int) -> float:
    """ Returns sorted(l)[i] in O(n) with median of medians as a pivot. """
    if len(l) == 1: # base case
        return l[0]
    medians = [median(l[5*i: 5*(i + 1)]) for i in range(-(-len(l)//5))]
    left, mid, right = select_split(l, select(medians, len(medians)//2))
    k, m = len(left), len(mid)
    if k <= i <= k + m - 1: # pivot is the answer
        return mid[0]
    # recur on sublist and get rid of pivot
    return select(left, i) if i < k else select(right, i - k - m)

def split_median(points: list, cd: int) -> tuple:
    """ Picks the point which is the median along the dimension cd. """
    m = select([point[cd] for point in points], len(points)//2)
    for i in range(len(points)):
        if points[i][cd] == m: # pick any point with value m
    return points[i], points[:i] + points[i + 1:]

### helper methods

def dist(p1: tuple, p2: tuple) -> float:
    """ Squared distance between two points."""
    return sum((p1[i] - p2[i])*(p1[i] - p2[i]) for i in range(len(p1)))

def closest(points: list, q: tuple) -> tuple:
    """ Returns the point closest to q in points (nearest neighbor query). """
    return min(points, key=lambda p: dist(p, q))

def distbb(p: tuple, bb: list) -> float:
    """ Squared distance between a point and a bounding box. """
    # three cases, use x if x is in the box, otherwise one of the bounds
    bbp = tuple(box[0] if x < box[0] else (box[1] if x > box[1] else x)
                for x, box in zip(p, bb))
    return dist(p, bbp)

def trimbb(bb: list, cd: int, p: int, d: int) -> list:
    """ Trims the bounding box by the plane x_cd = p[cd]. """
    if len(bb) == 0: return bb
    bb = list(list(box) for box in bb) # copy
    bb[cd][1 - d] = p[cd]              # update, assuming p[cd] is valid
    return bb

### kd-tree

def split(points: list, cd: int, p: int) -> tuple:
    """ Splits the list of points by the plane x_cd = p[cd]. """
    left, right = [], []
    for point in points:
        # add point with the same value as p at cd to the right side
        (left if point[cd] < p[cd] else right).append(point)
    return left, right

class kdNode:

    """ kd-tree node. """

    def __init__(self, point: tuple=None, cd: int=0) -> None:
        self.child, self.point,, = [None, None], point, cd, []
        self.D, self.tight_bb = len(point) if point is not None else 0, False

    def __str__(self, n: "kdNode"=None, d: int=0) -> str:
        """ Fancy string representation. """
        if d == 0: n = self # called with None by defualt, set to the root
        if n is None: return [] # leaf node
        s = [f"{' '*4*d}{n.point}"]
        s += self.__str__(n.child[0], d + 1)
        s += self.__str__(n.child[1], d + 1)
        return "\n".join(s) if d == 0 else s

    def dir(self, p: tuple) -> int:
        """ Gets the proper left/right child depending on the point. """
        return p[] >= self.point[]

    def tighten(self, t: "KdNode"=None) -> None:
        """ Tighten bounding boxes in O(nd). """
        if t is None: t = self # called with None, set to the root
        l, r, t.tight_bb = t.child[0], t.child[1], True
        # recur on children
        if l is not None: self.tighten(l)
        if r is not None: self.tighten(r)
        if l is None and r is None: # leaf node, box is just the singular point
   = [(t.point[d], t.point[d]) for d in range(t.D)]
        elif l is None or r is None: # one child, inherit box of child
   = if l is not None else
   = [(min(box[0], v), max(box[1], v))  # add node's point
                    for box, v in zip(, t.point)]
        else:                        # two children, combine boxes
   = [(min(bbl[0], bbr[0], v), max(bbl[1], bbr[1], v))
                    for bbl, bbr, v in zip(,, t.point)]

    def __add(self, t: "kdNode", p: tuple, parent: "kdNode"=None) -> None:
        """ Insert the given point into the tree. """
        if t is None:      # found leaf to insert new node in
            t = kdNode(p, ( + 1) % parent.D)
        elif t.point == p: # ignore duplicates
            return t
        else:              # update pointers
            t.child[t.dir(p)] = self.__add(t.child[t.dir(p)], p, t)
            t.tight_bb = False # no longer use tight bounding boxes
            # is it worth O(d log n) instead of O(log n) for tighter boxes?
            # if so, manually update over each of the d dimensions
        return t

    def add(self, p: tuple) -> None:
        """ Wrapper over the recursive helper function __add. """
        if self.point is None: # empty tree, simply change our own point
        self.__add(self, p)

    def __closest(self, t: "kdNode", p: tuple, curr_bb: list) -> tuple:
        """ Returns the closest point to p in the tree (nearest neighbor). """
        # all points in this bounding box farther than existing point
        bb = if t is not None and t.tight_bb else curr_bb
        if t is None or distbb(p, bb) > self.best_dist:
        # update best point
        d = dist(p, t.point)
        if d < self.best_dist:
  , self.best_dist = t.point, d
        # visit subtrees in order of distance from p
        i, j = t.dir(p), 1 - t.dir(p)
        self.__closest(t.child[i], p, trimbb(curr_bb,, t.point, i))
        self.__closest(t.child[j], p, trimbb(curr_bb,, t.point, j))

    def closest(self, p: tuple) -> tuple:
        """ Wrapper over the recursive helper function __closest. """, self.best_dist = None, float("inf")
        bb = [[-float("inf"), float("inf")] for d in range(len(p))]
        self.__closest(self, p, [] if self.tight_bb else bb)

    def nnsearch(self, p: tuple, r: float) -> tuple:
        """ Finds the points that are within a radius of r from p. """
        l = []
        h = [(0, self)]
        while len(h) > 0:
            d, n = heapq.heappop(h)
            if d > r*r: # stop processing if out of circle
                return l
            if is_leaf(n):
                for child in n.child + [kdNode(n.point)]:
                    if child is not None:
                        d = dist(p, child.point) if is_leaf(child) else \
                        heapq.heappush(h, (d, child))
        return l

class kdTree(kdNode):

    """ Thin wrapper over a kd-node to build a tree from a list of points.  """

    def __init__(self, points: list=[]) -> None:
        if len(points) > 0:
            # no need for duplicate points
            self.__build_tree(self, list(set(points)))

    def __build_tree(self, t: kdNode, points: list, cd: int=0) -> kdNode:
        """ Constructs a kd-tree in O(n log n). """
        N, D, = len(points), len(points[0]), cd
        t.point, points = split_median(points, cd) # median
        t.D, next_cd = D, (cd + 1) % D
        t.child = [self.__build_tree(kdNode(), l, next_cd) if len(l) > 0
                   else None for l in split(points, cd, t.point)]
        return t

Prefix Sums

1D Prefix Sums - Verification - Complexity: O(n) \mathcal{O}(n)

def query(i, j):
    return prefix[j + 1] - prefix[i]

prefix = [0]*(N + 1)
for i in range(N):
    prefix[i + 1] = prefix[i] + a[i]

2D Prefix Sums - Verification - Complexity: O(nm) \mathcal{O}(nm)

def query(prefix, x1, y1, x2, y2):
    return prefix[x2 + 1][y2 + 1] - prefix[x2 + 1][y1] - prefix[x1][y2 + 1] + \

prefix = [[0]*(M + 1) for i in range(N + 1)]

for i in range(1, len(prefix)):
    for j in range(1, len(prefix[0])):
        prefix[i][j] = prefix[i - 1][j] + m[i - 1][j - 1]

for i in range(len(prefix)):
    for j in range(1, len(prefix[0])):
        prefix[i][j] = prefix[i][j - 1]

Computational Geometry

Helper methods

def dist(p1: tuple, p2: tuple) -> float:
    """ Squared l2 distance between the points p1 and p2. """
    (x1, y1), (x2, y2) = p1, p2
    return ((x1 - x2)*(x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2)*(y1 - y2))

def ccw(p1: tuple, p2: tuple, p3: tuple) -> bool:
    """ Whether (p1, p2, p3) forms a counterclockwise turn.
    > 0 counterclockwise, = 0 collinear, and < 0 clockwise. """
    (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3) = p1, p2, p3
    # this is reasonably numerically stable, no need to check > EPS
    return (x2 - x1)*(y3 - y1) - (y2 - y1)*(x3 - x1)

Closest Pair

Closest pair - Verification: CV - Complexity: O(nlogn) \mathcal{O}(n \log n)

def slow_closest_pair(points: list) -> tuple:
    best = float("inf")
    for i in range(len(points)):
        for j in range(i + 1, len(points)):
            if dist(points[i], points[j]) < best:
                best, p1, p2 = dist(points[i], points[j]), points[i], points[j]
    return p1, p2

def divide(points: list, x: float) -> tuple:
    return [p for p in points if p[0] <= x], [p for p in points if p[0] > x]

def recur_closest_pair(points: list, X: list, Y: list) -> tuple:
    if len(points) <= 3:
        return slow_closest_pair(points)

    mid = len(X)//2
    x = (X[mid][0] + X[mid - 1][0])/2 if len(X) % 2 == 0 else X[mid][0]
    pointsl, pointsr = divide(points, x)
    Xl, Xr = divide(X, x)
    Yl, Yr = divide(Y, x)

    l1, l2 = recur_closest_pair(pointsl, Xl, Yl)
    r1, r2 = recur_closest_pair(pointsr, Xr, Yr)

    dl, dr = dist(l1, l2), dist(*r1, *r2)
    d = min(dl, dr)

    dp = float("inf")
    Yp = [p for p in Y if x - d <= p[0] <= x + d]
    for i in range(len(Yp)):
        for j in range(i + 1, min(i + 8, len(Yp))):
            if dist(Yp[i], Yp[j]) < dp:
                dp, m1, m2 = dist(Yp[i], Yp[j]), Yp[i],  Yp[j]

    if dp < d:
        return m1, m2
    return (l1, l2) if dl < dr else (r1, r2)

def closest_pair(points: list) -> tuple:
    return recur_closest_pair(points,
                              sorted(points, key=lambda p: p[0]),
                              sorted(points, key=lambda p: p[1]))

Convex Hull

Graham scan, specifically Andrew's Monotone Chain - Verification: Kattis convexhull - Complexity: O(nlogn) \mathcal{O}(n \log n)

def convex_hull(points: list) -> list:
    """ Finds the convex hull of the point list. """
    points = sorted(set(points))
    if len(points) <= 1:
        return points

    final = []
    for half in range(2):
        hull = []
        for p in points:
            while len(hull) > 1 and ccw(hull[-2], hull[-1], p) <= 0:
        final += hull[:-1]
        points = points[::-1]

    return final


Grid BFS Problems

def rc(i): return i//N, i % N

def is_valid(i, j): return 0 <= i < M and 0 <= j < N

def get_children(i, j):
    return [child for child in [(i + 1, j), (i - 1, j), (i, j + 1), (i, j - 1)]
            if is_valid(*child)]
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